摘 要
关键词:矿山生态修复 生态-工程协同修复 土壤重构
As an important way of resource development, mining plays an irreplaceable role in economic development, but it also causes significant damage to the ecological environment, including vegetation degradation, soil and water erosion and biodiversity loss. In order to solve this problem, this study proposes a systematic technical fr amework of mine ecological restoration based on ecological principles, aiming to restore the ecological balance of the mine area by simulating the structure and function of the natural ecosystem. Based on the key technologies of soil reconstruction, vegetation reconstruction and microbial community regulation, a multi-level and multi-dimensional ecological restoration system was constructed, and remote sensing monitoring and big data analysis methods were introduced to optimize the evaluation of restoration effect. Through field tests in typical mining areas, the results show that this technology can significantly improve the physicochemical properties of soil, promote plant growth and enhance the ecosystem service function.
Keyword:Mine Ecological Restoration Eco-Engineering Synergistic Restoration Soil Reconstruction
目 录
1绪论 1
1.1矿山生态修复的研究背景 1
1.2基于生态学原理的修复意义 1
1.3国内外研究现状分析 1
1.4本文研究方法与技术路线 2
2生态学原理在矿山修复中的应用 2
2.1生态系统恢复的基本理论 2
2.2关键生态因子的选择与评估 3
2.3植被重建的技术路径分析 3
2.4土壤改良的生态学策略 3
2.5水资源管理的生态学原则 4
3矿山生态修复的关键技术体系 4
3.1地质灾害治理技术研究 4
3.2土壤重构与肥力提升技术 5
3.3植被群落优化配置技术 5
3.4微生物修复技术的应用 6
3.5监测与评价技术体系构建 6
4矿山生态修复案例分析与实践验证 7
4.1典型矿区生态问题诊断 7
4.2生态修复方案的设计与实施 7
4.3技术效果的监测与评估 8
4.4成功经验与潜在挑战分析 8
4.5对未来矿山修复的启示 8
结论 9
参考文献 10
致谢 11
关键词:矿山生态修复 生态-工程协同修复 土壤重构
As an important way of resource development, mining plays an irreplaceable role in economic development, but it also causes significant damage to the ecological environment, including vegetation degradation, soil and water erosion and biodiversity loss. In order to solve this problem, this study proposes a systematic technical fr amework of mine ecological restoration based on ecological principles, aiming to restore the ecological balance of the mine area by simulating the structure and function of the natural ecosystem. Based on the key technologies of soil reconstruction, vegetation reconstruction and microbial community regulation, a multi-level and multi-dimensional ecological restoration system was constructed, and remote sensing monitoring and big data analysis methods were introduced to optimize the evaluation of restoration effect. Through field tests in typical mining areas, the results show that this technology can significantly improve the physicochemical properties of soil, promote plant growth and enhance the ecosystem service function.
Keyword:Mine Ecological Restoration Eco-Engineering Synergistic Restoration Soil Reconstruction
目 录
1绪论 1
1.1矿山生态修复的研究背景 1
1.2基于生态学原理的修复意义 1
1.3国内外研究现状分析 1
1.4本文研究方法与技术路线 2
2生态学原理在矿山修复中的应用 2
2.1生态系统恢复的基本理论 2
2.2关键生态因子的选择与评估 3
2.3植被重建的技术路径分析 3
2.4土壤改良的生态学策略 3
2.5水资源管理的生态学原则 4
3矿山生态修复的关键技术体系 4
3.1地质灾害治理技术研究 4
3.2土壤重构与肥力提升技术 5
3.3植被群落优化配置技术 5
3.4微生物修复技术的应用 6
3.5监测与评价技术体系构建 6
4矿山生态修复案例分析与实践验证 7
4.1典型矿区生态问题诊断 7
4.2生态修复方案的设计与实施 7
4.3技术效果的监测与评估 8
4.4成功经验与潜在挑战分析 8
4.5对未来矿山修复的启示 8
结论 9
参考文献 10
致谢 11