
摘    要


关键词:雨水资源化  海绵城市建设  多目标优化模型

  With the acceleration of urbanization, the traditional rainwater management mode has been difficult to meet the needs of modern urban development for the sustainable utilization of water resources. The problems of rainwater runoff pollution and urban waterlogging are increasingly prominent, so it is urgent to explore more scientific and efficient rainwater management strategies. This study takes urban rainwater collection and utilization and sponge city construction as the core, and aims to improve the level of urban rainwater resources and alleviate the pressure of water shortage and ecological environment through systematic technical means and policy support. The research adopts the method of combining theoretical analysis and empirical research, first sorts out the technical path and development mode of rainwater collection and utilization at home and abroad, and combined with the hydrological characteristics of urban hydrology in China, puts forward the optimization scheme of rainwater collection and utilization for different regions. Secondly, by constructing a sponge city performance evaluation system based on a multi-ob jective optimization model, the rainwater management effect of typical cities is quantitatively analyzed.

Keyword:Rainwater Resource Utilization  Sponge City Construction  Multi-ob jective Optimization Model

目  录
1绪论 1
1.1城市雨水收集利用的研究背景 1
1.2海绵城市建设的意义与价值 1
1.3国内外研究现状分析 1
1.4本文研究方法与技术路线 2
2城市雨水收集利用的技术体系 2
2.1雨水收集系统的构成与功能 2
2.2雨水储存与净化技术研究 3
2.3雨水资源化利用的实践模式 3
2.4技术经济性评估与优化策略 4
3海绵城市建设的关键要素 4
3.1海绵城市的规划原则与框架 4
3.2低影响开发 5
3.3生态基础设施的设计与实施 5
3.4城市水循环调控机制研究 6
4雨水管理与海绵城市的协同效应 6
4.1雨水管理在海绵城市中的作用 6
4.2智能监测与信息化管理平台构建 7
4.3社会经济效益评估与案例分析 7
4.4政策支持与公众参与机制探讨 8
结论 8
参考文献 10
致谢 11



