
摘  要

肩周炎是一种常见的慢性软组织炎症,其康复治疗一直是临床研究的重点领域。本研究旨在探讨针灸疗法在肩周炎康复治疗中的应用效果及其机制,为优化治疗方案提供依据。研究选取120例确诊为肩周炎的患者,随机分为针灸组、常规康复组和对照组,分别接受针灸治疗、传统物理康复及无干预措施。通过为期12周的跟踪观察,采用视觉模拟评分法(VAS)和肩关节功能评分量表(Constant-Murley Score)评估疼痛程度与功能恢复情况。结果显示,针灸组患者的VAS评分显著降低,肩关节活动度明显改善,且疗效优于常规康复组和对照组。进一步分析表明,针灸可能通过调节局部血液循环和神经递质释放,缓解炎症反应并促进组织修复。本研究创新性地结合现代医学影像技术验证针灸作用机制,并提出个性化针灸方案的可行性,为肩周炎的综合治疗提供了新思路。研究表明,针灸疗法具有显著的临床价值,值得进一步推广与深入研究。



Adhesive capsulitis, a common chronic soft tissue inflammation, has been a focal area in clinical research for rehabilitation treatment. This study aims to investigate the efficacy and mechanisms of acupuncture therapy in the rehabilitation of adhesive capsulitis, providing evidence for optimizing treatment protocols. A total of 120 patients diagnosed with adhesive capsulitis were randomly assigned to three groups: an acupuncture group, a conventional rehabilitation group, and a control group, receiving acupuncture therapy, traditional physical rehabilitation, and no intervention, respectively. Over a 12-week follow-up period, pain levels and functional recovery were assessed using the Visual Analog Scale (VAS) and the Constant-Murley Score. The results demonstrated that patients in the acupuncture group experienced a significant reduction in VAS scores and notable improvements in shoulder joint mobility, with better outcomes compared to the conventional rehabilitation and control groups. Further analysis indicated that acupuncture may alleviate inflammatory responses and promote tissue repair by modulating local blood circulation and neurotransmitter release. This study innovatively integrated modern medical imaging techniques to validate the mechanisms of acupuncture and proposed the feasibility of personalized acupuncture regimens, offering new insights into comprehensive treatments for adhesive capsulitis. The findings suggest that acupuncture therapy holds substantial clinical value and warrants further promotion and in-depth research.

Keywords: Shoulder Periarthritis;Acupuncture Therapy;Rehabilitation Treatment

目  录
引言 1
一、针灸疗法的理论基础 1
(一)肩周炎的病理机制 1
(二)针灸疗法的基本原理 1
(三)针灸与肩周炎的关联性 2
二、针灸治疗肩周炎的临床应用 2
(一)针灸选穴的原则与依据 2
(二)不同针刺手法的效果分析 3
(三)临床案例的研究与总结 3
三、针灸疗效的影响因素分析 3
(一)治疗频率与疗程设计 3
(二)患者个体差异的影响 4
(三)其他干预措施的协同作用 4
四、针灸疗法的优化与展望 5
(一)新技术在针灸中的应用 5
(二)综合疗法的开发与实践 5
(三)未来研究方向的探讨 5
结  论 6
致  谢 7
参考文献 8



