
摘  要



Innovative Pathways in Public Utility Management in the Digital Era


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  With the rapid development of information technology, the digital age has brought unprecedented opportunities and challenges to public utility management. Traditional management model is difficult to adapt to the rapidly changing social needs, and it is urgent to explore innovative ways to improve management efficiency and service quality. The purpose of this study is to explore the innovative mode of public utility management under the background of digitization, and deeply analyze the main problems faced by public utility management and their causes. The application of digital technology can not only optimize the allocation of resources, but also effectively promote cross-departmental collaboration and improve the scientific nature of decision-making. Through the comparative analysis of typical successful cases at home and abroad, the innovation path suitable for China's national conditions is refined, including building a smart service platform, promoting the construction of data sharing mechanism, strengthening public participation and other measures. The main contribution of this study is to systematically sort out the theoretical fr amework of public utility management innovation in the digital era, and put forward an operable implementation plan, which provides an important reference basis for relevant policy formulation, and has great significance for promoting the development of public utility management in the direction of intelligence.

Keywords: Digital Transformation;Public Utility Management;Innovative Model

目  录

一、绪论 1

(一)研究背景与意义 1

(二)国内外研究现状 1

二、数字化技术对公共事业管理的影响 1

(一)技术变革驱动管理创新 1

(二)数据治理提升决策效能 2

(三)智能化服务优化资源配置 3

三、数字化转型中的管理模式创新 3

(一)构建协同治理新机制 3

(二)推动精细化管理实践 4

(三)培育数字化管理人才 5

四、数字化时代的公共政策创新路径 5

(一)政策制定的智能化转型 5

(二)政策执行的精准化实施 6

(三)政策评估的科学化体系 6

(四)政策反馈的实时化机制 7

结论 8

参考文献 9

致谢 9





