摘 要:随着社会的发展,小学语文教学中培养学生阅读兴趣成为提升学生综合素质的重要途径。在当前教育环境下,学生面临诸多娱乐方式的诱惑,传统阅读教学模式难以充分激发学生的阅读热情,为此,本研究旨在探索有效的阅读兴趣培养策略。通过对多所小学进行实地调研,采用问卷调查、课堂观察与教师访谈相结合的方法,深入了解当前小学语文阅读教学现状及存在的问题。研究发现,构建多元化的阅读环境、开展丰富多彩的阅读活动、利用现代信息技术辅助教学以及建立合理的评价机制是有效提升学生阅读兴趣的关键因素。其中,创新性地将游戏化元素融入阅读过程,以趣味竞赛、角色扮演等形式增强互动性和参与感,显著提高了学生的阅读积极性;同时,借助大数据分析为不同层次的学生提供个性化阅读建议,实现了精准施教。
Abstract:With the development of society, cultivating students 'interest in reading in primary school Chinese teaching has become an important way to improve students' comprehensive quality. In the current educational environment, students are faced with the temptation of many other ways of reading, and the traditional reading teaching mode is difficult to fully stimulate students' reading enthusiasm. Therefore, this study aims to explore effective strategies for cultivating reading interest. Through the field research of many primary schools, using the combination of questionnaire survey, classroom observation and teacher interview methods, in-depth understanding of the current situation of primary school Chinese reading teaching and existing problems. It is found that building a diversified reading environment, carrying out colorful reading activities, using modern information technology to assist teaching and establishing a reasonable evaluation mechanism are the key factors to effectively improve students' interest in reading. Among them, innovative gamification elements into the reading process, enhance the interaction and sense of participation in the form of fun competition and role playing, etc., significantly improve the students' reading enthusiasm; meanwhile, with the help of big data analysis, to provide personalized reading suggestions for students at different levels, to achieve precise teaching.
Key words:Reading interest cultivation; Chinese teaching in primary schools; gamification elements
目 录
摘要 1
Abstract 1
一、阅读兴趣的理论基础与意义 3
(一)阅读兴趣的概念界定 3
(二)阅读兴趣的心理学依据 3
(三)培养阅读兴趣的意义 4
二、教材选择与阅读兴趣的激发 4
(一)适合小学生特点的教材 4
(二)教材内容的趣味性设计 5
(三)教材呈现方式的多样性 5
三、教学方法对阅读兴趣的影响 5
(一)情境教学法的应用 5
(二)合作学习法的实施 6
(三)多媒体教学手段的运用 6
四、评价机制与阅读兴趣的巩固 7
(一)形成性评价的作用 7
(二)多元化评价体系构建 7
(三)个性化评价方案设计 8
五、结论 8
参考文献 9
Abstract:With the development of society, cultivating students 'interest in reading in primary school Chinese teaching has become an important way to improve students' comprehensive quality. In the current educational environment, students are faced with the temptation of many other ways of reading, and the traditional reading teaching mode is difficult to fully stimulate students' reading enthusiasm. Therefore, this study aims to explore effective strategies for cultivating reading interest. Through the field research of many primary schools, using the combination of questionnaire survey, classroom observation and teacher interview methods, in-depth understanding of the current situation of primary school Chinese reading teaching and existing problems. It is found that building a diversified reading environment, carrying out colorful reading activities, using modern information technology to assist teaching and establishing a reasonable evaluation mechanism are the key factors to effectively improve students' interest in reading. Among them, innovative gamification elements into the reading process, enhance the interaction and sense of participation in the form of fun competition and role playing, etc., significantly improve the students' reading enthusiasm; meanwhile, with the help of big data analysis, to provide personalized reading suggestions for students at different levels, to achieve precise teaching.
Key words:Reading interest cultivation; Chinese teaching in primary schools; gamification elements
目 录
摘要 1
Abstract 1
一、阅读兴趣的理论基础与意义 3
(一)阅读兴趣的概念界定 3
(二)阅读兴趣的心理学依据 3
(三)培养阅读兴趣的意义 4
二、教材选择与阅读兴趣的激发 4
(一)适合小学生特点的教材 4
(二)教材内容的趣味性设计 5
(三)教材呈现方式的多样性 5
三、教学方法对阅读兴趣的影响 5
(一)情境教学法的应用 5
(二)合作学习法的实施 6
(三)多媒体教学手段的运用 6
四、评价机制与阅读兴趣的巩固 7
(一)形成性评价的作用 7
(二)多元化评价体系构建 7
(三)个性化评价方案设计 8
五、结论 8
参考文献 9