摘 要:随着社会快速发展,小学生面临的心理压力日益增加,其心理健康问题逐渐凸显,小学教师在学生心理健康教育中扮演着不可或缺的角色。本研究旨在探讨小学教师在学生心理健康教育中的角色与作用,以期为提升小学生心理健康水平提供理论支持和实践指导。小学教师不仅是知识传授者,更是学生心理健康的守护者,在日常教育教学活动中,通过积极关注学生情绪变化、营造和谐班级氛围、开展心理健康专题活动等方式促进学生心理健康成长。
The role and role of primary school teachers in students' mental health education
Abstract:With the rapid development of society, the psychological pressure faced by primary school students is increasing, and their mental health problems are gradually becoming prominent. Primary school teachers play an indispensable role in students' mental health education. This study aims to explore the role and role of primary school teachers in students' mental health education in order to provide theoretical support and practical guidance for improving the mental health level of primary school students. Primary school teachers are not only knowledge impartors, but also the guardians of students 'mental health. In daily education and teaching activities, they promote students' healthy growth of their mind by actively paying attention to students' emotional changes, creating a harmonious class atmosphere, and carrying out special mental health activities.
Key words:Role of primary school teachers; mental health education and students' psychological development
目 录
摘要 1
Abstract 1
一、小学教师的角色定位 3
(一)心理健康的教育者角色 3
(二)学生心理的观察者角色 3
(三)家校合作的协调者角色 4
二、教师对心理健康教育的认知 4
(一)心理健康教育的重要性认知 4
(二)心理健康教育的目标理解 5
(三)心理健康教育的内容把握 5
三、教师在心理健康教育中的实践 6
(一)课堂中的心理健康引导 6
(二)校园活动中的心理支持 6
(三)个别辅导中的心理干预 6
四、教师提升心理健康教育能力的路径 7
(一)专业培训与学习 7
(二)同行交流与合作 7
(三)自我反思与成长 7
五、结论 8
参考文献 9
致谢 10
摘 要:随着社会快速发展,小学生面临的心理压力日益增加,其心理健康问题逐渐凸显,小学教师在学生心理健康教育中扮演着不可或缺的角色。本研究旨在探讨小学教师在学生心理健康教育中的角色与作用,以期为提升小学生心理健康水平提供理论支持和实践指导。小学教师不仅是知识传授者,更是学生心理健康的守护者,在日常教育教学活动中,通过积极关注学生情绪变化、营造和谐班级氛围、开展心理健康专题活动等方式促进学生心理健康成长。
The role and role of primary school teachers in students' mental health education
Abstract:With the rapid development of society, the psychological pressure faced by primary school students is increasing, and their mental health problems are gradually becoming prominent. Primary school teachers play an indispensable role in students' mental health education. This study aims to explore the role and role of primary school teachers in students' mental health education in order to provide theoretical support and practical guidance for improving the mental health level of primary school students. Primary school teachers are not only knowledge impartors, but also the guardians of students 'mental health. In daily education and teaching activities, they promote students' healthy growth of their mind by actively paying attention to students' emotional changes, creating a harmonious class atmosphere, and carrying out special mental health activities.
Key words:Role of primary school teachers; mental health education and students' psychological development
目 录
摘要 1
Abstract 1
一、小学教师的角色定位 3
(一)心理健康的教育者角色 3
(二)学生心理的观察者角色 3
(三)家校合作的协调者角色 4
二、教师对心理健康教育的认知 4
(一)心理健康教育的重要性认知 4
(二)心理健康教育的目标理解 5
(三)心理健康教育的内容把握 5
三、教师在心理健康教育中的实践 6
(一)课堂中的心理健康引导 6
(二)校园活动中的心理支持 6
(三)个别辅导中的心理干预 6
四、教师提升心理健康教育能力的路径 7
(一)专业培训与学习 7
(二)同行交流与合作 7
(三)自我反思与成长 7
五、结论 8
参考文献 9
致谢 10