

摘  要




"Tuina", as a literary work that focuses on the blind community, offers a unique perspective that provides rich material for exploring humanistic care. This study aims to conduct an in-depth analysis of the characterization of blind individuals and the underlying connotations of humanistic care in "Tuina". By meticulously interpreting the original text and integrating theories from sociology, psychology, and other multidisciplinary fields, this research employs a combination of textual analysis and case studies to systematically examine the personality traits, living conditions, and interpersonal relationships of the blind characters in the novel. The findings reveal that "Tuina" not only portrays realistic scenes of the lives of blind people but also uncovers the complexity of their inner worlds through detailed psychological desc riptions, thereby transcending traditional stereotypes of disabled groups. The author uniquely endows each blind character with distinct personalities, enabling readers to empathize with the emotional needs and social value of this special group. Innovatively approaching from the angle of humanistic care, this study emphasizes the importance of individual dignity and equal rights, advocating for more attention and support from all sectors of society towards the blind community, and providing new perspectives and methodological references for related field research.

Keywords: Visually Impaired Community;Humanistic Care;Massage

目  录
摘  要 I
Abstract II
引言 1
一、盲人形象的文学呈现 1
(一)视觉缺失与感知重塑 1
(二)生存状态的真实刻画 2
(三)人性光辉的独特展现 2
二、群像构建的艺术手法 2
(一)多元角色的立体塑造 2
(二)人际关系的细腻描绘 3
(三)社会环境的深度映射 3
三、人性关怀的表现形式 4
(一)情感世界的深刻挖掘 4
(二)道德伦理的现实思考 4
(三)生命意义的哲理探寻 5
四、文学价值与社会影响 5
(一)艺术创新的典范意义 5
(二)社会认知的积极引导 6
(三)人文精神的广泛传播 6
结  论 7
致  谢 8
参考文献 9
