铜合金因其优异的综合性能在航空航天、电子电气等领域广泛应用,其时效析出行为对材料性能影响显著。本研究旨在深入探讨铜合金时效过程中析出相演变规律及其对力学性能和导电性能的影响机制。采用Cu - Cr - Zr合金作为研究对象,通过热处理实验结合透射电子显微镜、X射线衍射仪等表征手段,系统研究了不同温度和时间条件下析出相的形貌、尺寸、分布特征以及相组成变化。结果表明,在时效初期,细小弥散的Cr相优先析出,随着时效进行,Zr相逐渐形成并长大,二者共同作用有效强化基体,使合金抗拉强度显著提升,同时发现合理控制时效制度可兼顾良好导电性与高强度。创新点在于揭示了Cr、Zr元素协同析出强化机制,建立了析出相特征与性能之间的定量关系模型,为优化铜合金热处理工艺参数提供了理论依据,有助于开发高性能铜合金材料,拓展其应用领域。
Copper alloys, owing to their superior comprehensive properties, are widely utilized in aerospace, electronics, and electrical fields, where the aging precipitation behavior significantly influences material performance. This study aims to thoroughly investigate the evolution of precipitate phases during the aging process of copper alloys and elucidate the underlying mechanisms affecting mechanical and electrical properties. Using Cu-Cr-Zr alloy as the research subject, this work systematically examined the morphology, size, distribution characteristics, and phase composition changes of precipitates under different temperature and time conditions through a combination of heat treatment experiments and characterization techniques such as transmission electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction. The results indicate that in the early stage of aging, fine and dispersed Cr phases preferentially precipitate; as aging progresses, Zr phases gradually form and grow. The synergistic effect of Cr and Zr phases effectively strengthens the matrix, leading to a significant increase in tensile strength. It was also found that appropriate control of the aging regimen can achieve a balance between high conductivity and strength. The innovation lies in revealing the cooperative precipitation strengthening mechanism of Cr and Zr elements and establishing a quantitative relationship model between precipitate characteristics and properties, providing theoretical basis for optimizing heat treatment parameters of copper alloys, which facilitates the development of high-performance copper alloy materials and broadens their application areas.
Keywords:Copper Alloy Aging; Precipitation Phase Evolution; Cr-Zr Synergistic Strengthening
目 录
摘要 I
Abstract II
一、绪论 1
(一) 铜合金时效析出研究背景与意义 1
(二) 国内外研究现状综述 1
(三) 本文研究方法与技术路线 1
二、时效析出的微观机制 2
(一) 相变理论基础 2
(二) 析出相形成过程 3
(三) 微观组织演变规律 3
(四) 不同合金元素的影响 4
三、时效处理工艺参数影响 5
(一) 温度对析出行为的影响 5
(二) 时间对性能变化的作用 5
(三) 冷却速率的影响分析 6
(四) 工艺优化建议 6
四、性能提升机理研究 7
(一) 强度与硬度变化规律 7
(二) 导电性与耐蚀性改善 8
(三) 加工硬化特性分析 8
(四) 综合性能评价体系 9
结 论 11
参考文献 12
铜合金因其优异的综合性能在航空航天、电子电气等领域广泛应用,其时效析出行为对材料性能影响显著。本研究旨在深入探讨铜合金时效过程中析出相演变规律及其对力学性能和导电性能的影响机制。采用Cu - Cr - Zr合金作为研究对象,通过热处理实验结合透射电子显微镜、X射线衍射仪等表征手段,系统研究了不同温度和时间条件下析出相的形貌、尺寸、分布特征以及相组成变化。结果表明,在时效初期,细小弥散的Cr相优先析出,随着时效进行,Zr相逐渐形成并长大,二者共同作用有效强化基体,使合金抗拉强度显著提升,同时发现合理控制时效制度可兼顾良好导电性与高强度。创新点在于揭示了Cr、Zr元素协同析出强化机制,建立了析出相特征与性能之间的定量关系模型,为优化铜合金热处理工艺参数提供了理论依据,有助于开发高性能铜合金材料,拓展其应用领域。
Copper alloys, owing to their superior comprehensive properties, are widely utilized in aerospace, electronics, and electrical fields, where the aging precipitation behavior significantly influences material performance. This study aims to thoroughly investigate the evolution of precipitate phases during the aging process of copper alloys and elucidate the underlying mechanisms affecting mechanical and electrical properties. Using Cu-Cr-Zr alloy as the research subject, this work systematically examined the morphology, size, distribution characteristics, and phase composition changes of precipitates under different temperature and time conditions through a combination of heat treatment experiments and characterization techniques such as transmission electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction. The results indicate that in the early stage of aging, fine and dispersed Cr phases preferentially precipitate; as aging progresses, Zr phases gradually form and grow. The synergistic effect of Cr and Zr phases effectively strengthens the matrix, leading to a significant increase in tensile strength. It was also found that appropriate control of the aging regimen can achieve a balance between high conductivity and strength. The innovation lies in revealing the cooperative precipitation strengthening mechanism of Cr and Zr elements and establishing a quantitative relationship model between precipitate characteristics and properties, providing theoretical basis for optimizing heat treatment parameters of copper alloys, which facilitates the development of high-performance copper alloy materials and broadens their application areas.
Keywords:Copper Alloy Aging; Precipitation Phase Evolution; Cr-Zr Synergistic Strengthening
目 录
摘要 I
Abstract II
一、绪论 1
(一) 铜合金时效析出研究背景与意义 1
(二) 国内外研究现状综述 1
(三) 本文研究方法与技术路线 1
二、时效析出的微观机制 2
(一) 相变理论基础 2
(二) 析出相形成过程 3
(三) 微观组织演变规律 3
(四) 不同合金元素的影响 4
三、时效处理工艺参数影响 5
(一) 温度对析出行为的影响 5
(二) 时间对性能变化的作用 5
(三) 冷却速率的影响分析 6
(四) 工艺优化建议 6
四、性能提升机理研究 7
(一) 强度与硬度变化规律 7
(二) 导电性与耐蚀性改善 8
(三) 加工硬化特性分析 8
(四) 综合性能评价体系 9
结 论 11
参考文献 12