

摘    要

  膜生物反应器(MBR)作为一种高效的污水处理技术,在污水净化领域展现出独特优势,但其分离效率仍有待优化。本研究聚焦于MBR在污水处理中的分离效率优化,旨在通过系统性研究提升MBR处理效果。基于此,选取典型污水样本,构建MBR实验系统,采用响应曲面法优化运行参数,包括曝气强度、污泥浓度、进水流量等,并引入新型膜材料以改善膜通量和抗污染性能。研究结果表明,优化后的运行参数组合可使MBR对化学需氧量(COD)、氨氮(NH₃ - N)等污染物的去除率显著提高,其中COD去除率由原来的85%左右提升至92%,NH₃ - N去除率从90%左右增至95%以上;新型膜材料的应用有效降低了膜污染速率,延长了膜的使用寿命。这不仅为MBR在污水处理中的高效应用提供了理论依据和技术支持,而且创新性地提出了基于多因素协同作用的MBR分离效率优化策略,对于推动MBR技术的发展具有重要意义。

关键词:膜生物反应器  分离效率优化  响应曲面法

  Membrane bioreactor (MBR) technology, as an efficient wastewater treatment method, exhibits unique advantages in wastewater purification, yet its separation efficiency requires further optimization. This study focuses on enhancing the separation efficiency of MBR in wastewater treatment through systematic research to improve overall treatment performance. Typical wastewater samples were selected, and an MBR experimental system was established. Response surface methodology was employed to optimize operational parameters such as aeration intensity, sludge concentration, and influent flow rate, while introducing novel membrane materials to enhance membrane flux and anti-fouling properties. The results indicate that the optimized combination of operational parameters significantly increased the removal rates of pollutants such as chemical oxygen demand (COD) and ammonia nitrogen (NH₃ - N). Specifically, the COD removal rate improved from approximately 85% to 92%, and the NH₃ - N removal rate increased from around 90% to over 95%. The application of new membrane materials effectively reduced the fouling rate and extended the membrane's service life. This study not only provides theoretical support and technical guidance for the efficient application of MBR in wastewater treatment but also innovatively proposes an optimization strategy for MBR separation efficiency based on the synergistic effects of multiple factors, which is significant for advancing MBR technology.

Keyword:Membrane Bioreactor  Separation Efficiency Optimization  Response Surface Methodology

目  录
1绪论 1
1.1研究背景与意义 1
1.2国内外研究现状 1
1.3本文研究方法 1
2膜生物反应器分离机理分析 2
2.1膜材料对分离效率的影响 2
2.2生物反应过程优化 3
2.3物理化学协同作用机制 3
3影响分离效率的关键因素 4
3.1运行参数的优化选择 4
3.2污水水质特性影响 4
3.3膜污染控制策略 5
4分离效率提升的技术路径 6
4.1新型膜材料的应用探索 6
4.2工艺流程改进措施 6
4.3智能化运行管理方案 7
结论 7
参考文献 9
致谢 10




