
摘    要


关键词:农业面源污染  氮磷迁移转化  富营养化

  Agricultural non-point source pollution is an important problem facing the current water environment, with the expansion of agricultural production scale and the degree of intensification, chemical fertilizers, pesticides and other agricultural chemicals and livestock and poultry breeding unreasonable disposal of waste, lead to nitrogen and phosphorus, and other nutrients and harmful substances through the surface runoff and soil erosion into the water, pose a serious threat to the water ecosystem. The purpose of this study is to explore the impact of agricultural non-point source pollution on water environment and the prevention and control measures, in order to provide theoretical basis and technical support for improving water environment quality. By combining field investigation and sampling with laboratory analysis in typical agricultural basins, the migration and ecological effects of agricultural non-point source pollutants in water bodies were systematically studied, and the effectiveness of different prevention and control measures was evaluated. The results show that agricultural non-point source pollution significantly changes the concentration level of nitrogen and phosphorus in water, causing eutrophication and affecting aquatic biodiversity. Comprehensive prevention and control measures such as optimizing fertilization technology, constructing ecological ditches and popularizing green prevention and control technology can effectively reduce the amount of pollutants into the river and improve the water quality.

Keyword:Agricultural Non-Point Source Pollution  Nitrogen And Phosphorus Transformation And Migration  Eutrophication

目  录
1绪论 1
1.1研究背景与意义 1
1.2国内外研究现状 1
1.3研究方法与技术路线 1
2农业面源污染的来源与特征 2
2.1化肥农药使用的影响 2
2.2畜禽养殖废弃物排放 2
2.3农村生活污水影响 2
3农业面源污染对水体环境的具体影响 2
3.1水质恶化机制分析 3
3.2生态系统破坏评估 3
3.3对人类健康的潜在威胁 4
4农业面源污染防控措施及策略 4
4.1政策法规体系建设 4
4.2技术创新与应用推广 5
4.3公众参与和教育宣传 5
结论 6
参考文献 7
致谢 8
