摘 要
关键词:生物信息学 复杂疾病 机器学习
In recent years, the rapid development in bioinformatics technologies has provided new perspectives and methods for studying complex diseases. This study aims to systematically review the latest advances of bioinformatics in the study of complex diseases and explore its applications in disease mechanism resolution, biomarker discovery and personalized therapy. By integrating multi-omics data analysis, machine learning algorithms and network biology approaches, this study focuses on the synergistic effects of multidimensional data including genomic, transc riptomic, epigenetic group and proteome in disease research. It is found that the deep learning-based gene variant prediction model significantly improves the identification accuracy of pathogenic mutations; the application of single-cell sequencing technology reveals the molecular mechanism behind the disease heterogeneity; and the network analysis method integrating multi-omics data successfully constructs the molecular interaction map of multiple complex diseases. In particular, this study innovatively proposed a graph neural network-based disease-gene association prediction fr amework, making a breakthrough in the study of complex diseases such as Alzheimer's disease and type 2 diabetes.
Keyword: bioinformatics complex disease machine learning
目 录
1绪论 1
1.1研究背景与意义 1
1.2研究现状 1
1.3研究方法与创新点 1
2生物信息学技术在复杂疾病基因组学研究中的应用 2
2.1全基因组关联分析的技术进展 2
2.2多组学数据整合分析方法 2
2.3表观遗传学研究的新突破 3
3基于人工智能的复杂疾病预测模型构建 4
3.1机器学习在疾病风险预测中的应用 4
3.2深度学习在医学影像诊断中的创新 4
3.3生物网络分析在疾病机制研究中的作用 5
4生物信息学驱动的精准医疗发展现状 6
4.1个体化治疗方案设计的新策略 6
4.2药物基因组学研究进展 6
4.3临床决策支持系统的开发与应用 7
5结论 8
参考文献 9
致谢 10
关键词:生物信息学 复杂疾病 机器学习
In recent years, the rapid development in bioinformatics technologies has provided new perspectives and methods for studying complex diseases. This study aims to systematically review the latest advances of bioinformatics in the study of complex diseases and explore its applications in disease mechanism resolution, biomarker discovery and personalized therapy. By integrating multi-omics data analysis, machine learning algorithms and network biology approaches, this study focuses on the synergistic effects of multidimensional data including genomic, transc riptomic, epigenetic group and proteome in disease research. It is found that the deep learning-based gene variant prediction model significantly improves the identification accuracy of pathogenic mutations; the application of single-cell sequencing technology reveals the molecular mechanism behind the disease heterogeneity; and the network analysis method integrating multi-omics data successfully constructs the molecular interaction map of multiple complex diseases. In particular, this study innovatively proposed a graph neural network-based disease-gene association prediction fr amework, making a breakthrough in the study of complex diseases such as Alzheimer's disease and type 2 diabetes.
Keyword: bioinformatics complex disease machine learning
目 录
1绪论 1
1.1研究背景与意义 1
1.2研究现状 1
1.3研究方法与创新点 1
2生物信息学技术在复杂疾病基因组学研究中的应用 2
2.1全基因组关联分析的技术进展 2
2.2多组学数据整合分析方法 2
2.3表观遗传学研究的新突破 3
3基于人工智能的复杂疾病预测模型构建 4
3.1机器学习在疾病风险预测中的应用 4
3.2深度学习在医学影像诊断中的创新 4
3.3生物网络分析在疾病机制研究中的作用 5
4生物信息学驱动的精准医疗发展现状 6
4.1个体化治疗方案设计的新策略 6
4.2药物基因组学研究进展 6
4.3临床决策支持系统的开发与应用 7
5结论 8
参考文献 9
致谢 10