


With the rapid development of ‌ technology of building information modeling (‌BIM), ‌ is increasingly widely used in small engineering cost management, ‌ provides strong technical support for the optimization of cost management. ‌ This paper discusses the optimization strategy of small engineering cost management based on BIM technology in depth. ‌ aims to improve the accuracy and efficiency of small engineering project cost management and ‌ to achieve effective cost control through the integrated application of BIM technology. ‌BIM technology with its powerful data integration, ‌ visualization, ‌ simulation analysis and other functions, ‌ has brought revolutionary changes for small project cost management. ‌ In the early stage of the project, ‌BIM technology can assist in the completion of accurate project modeling and engineering quantity calculation, ‌ provides accurate data basis for the preparation of cost budget. ‌ Through BIM model, ‌ cost personnel can intuitively understand the project structure, ‌ material usage and construction details, ‌ so as to work out a more scientific and reasonable cost plan. ‌ In the construction process, ‌BIM technology can realize the dynamic management and real-time monitoring of the cost. ‌ With the help of BIM platform, ‌ cost personnel can obtain the key information such as project progress, ‌ material consumption, ‌ design change in real time, ‌ adjust the cost budget in time, ‌ to ensure that the project cost is always under control. ‌ At the same time, the collision detection function of ‌BIM technology can find the problems in the design in advance, ‌ reduce the alteration and rework in the construction process, and ‌ further reduce the cost risk. ‌‌BIM technology also facilitates information sharing and collaboration between project parties. ‌ Through BIM model, ‌ construction unit, ‌ design unit, ‌ construction unit and supervision unit can view the project information in real time; ‌ realizes seamless data docking and efficient communication; ‌ improves the overall work efficiency and project management level. ‌‌ Optimization strategy of small project cost management based on BIM technology ‌ by improving the accuracy and real-time cost data, ‌ to promote information sharing and collaborative work, ‌ to achieve the fine and dynamic cost management. ‌ The application of this strategy not only helps to reduce the project cost, ‌ improve economic benefits, ‌ also helps to improve the overall management level and competitiveness of the project. ‌ in the future, ‌ with the continuous maturity and popularization of BIM technology, ‌ its application prospect in small project cost management will be broader.

‌ Key words ‌ : ‌BIM technology, small project cost management, optimization strategy

一、绪论 4
1.1 研究背景 4
1.2 研究目的及意义 4
1.3 国内外研究现状 4
二、BIM技术概述 5
2.1 BIM技术定义与特点 5
2.1.1 BIM技术的定义界定 5
2.1.2 BIM技术的特点 5
2.2 小型工程的定义与分类 6
2.2.1 小型工程的定义界定 6
2.2.2 小型工程的工程分类 6
2.3 小型工程的特点 6
2.3.1 规模与复杂性 6
2.3.2 设计与施工特点 7
2.4 BIM技术在工程造价管理中的作用 7
2.4.1 造价信息模型构建 7
2.4.2 造价控制与优化 8
三、基于BIM技术的小型工程造价的管理 8
3.1 优化设计以减少造价 8
3.1.1 设计阶段的造价影响因素 8
3.1.2 优化策略与实施 8
3.2 采购与供应链管理优化 9
3.2.1 材料成本控制 9
3.2.2 供应链协同 9
3.3 施工过程的成本控制优化 9
3.3.1 施工方案的成本效益分析 9
3.3.2 施工过程中的造价动态管理 10
3.4 项目后期的成本优化策略 10
3.4.1 运维成本的控制 10
3.4.2 项目评估与反馈 10
四、BIM技术在小型工程造价管理的应用 11
4.1 BIM技术在预算编制中的应用 11
4.1.1 精确算量与成本预测 11
4.1.2 预算编制的自动化 11
4.2 BIM技术在成本控制中的应用 12
4.2.1 实时成本监测 12
4.2.2 变更管理与成本控制 12
4.3 BIM技术在投标与合同管理中的应用 12
4.3.1 投标策略优化 12
4.3.2 合同条款的精准制定 13
4.4 BIM技术在项目后期运维中的应用 13
4.4.1 设施管理优化 13
4.4.2 后期维护成本控制 13
五、结论 14
参考文献 15



