


As an important link of construction project management, engineering cost consulting service ‌ its service quality is directly related to the project cost control, ‌ economic benefits and market competitiveness. ‌ To establish a scientific, ‌ comprehensive and ‌ operable evaluation system for engineering cost consulting service quality, ‌ is of great significance for improving the level of consulting service and ‌ promoting the healthy development of consulting industry. ‌ This paper deeply discusses the construction principles, ‌ index composition and implementation strategies of the evaluation system of engineering cost consulting service quality. ‌ aims at providing theoretical guidance for industry practice. ‌‌ This paper emphasizes the comprehensiveness and pertinence of the evaluation system construction. ‌ The evaluation system should be able to comprehensively reflect all aspects of the consulting service, including ‌ technical quality, ‌ process quality, ‌ output quality, etc. ‌ Meanwhile, according to the characteristics of the consulting service of engineering cost, ‌ is selected with emphasis on key indicators to ‌ to ensure the pertinence and effectiveness of the evaluation system. ‌‌ The construction of the evaluation system should follow the unity of scientificity and operability. ‌ Scientificity is an important prerequisite for the reliability and effectiveness of the evaluation system. ‌ ensures the rationality of the evaluation method and the accuracy of the data. ‌ and operability requires that the evaluation system is easy to understand and implement, ‌ is easy for enterprises and customers to actual operation and evaluation. ‌ In terms of index composition, ‌ this paper puts forward a multi-dimensional evaluation system, including technical quality index, ‌ process quality index, ‌ output quality index, ‌ core service quality and auxiliary service quality index. ‌ Technical quality indicators focus on the professionalism and technical capability of consulting services; ‌ Process Quality indicators measure normativity, ‌ responsiveness and assurance in service processes; ‌ The output quality indicator focuses on the quality and value of consulting outcomes. ‌ At the same time, ‌ core service quality and auxiliary service quality index comprehensively consider the consulting firm's hardware supporting facilities, ‌ customer trust and responsibility and other non-technical factors. ‌‌ This paper puts forward specific strategies for the implementation of the evaluation system, including ‌ strengthening standardization construction, ‌ promoting informatization construction, ‌ improving the professional quality of consultants, ‌ strengthening the customer feedback mechanism, etc. ‌ to ensure the effective operation and continuous improvement of the evaluation system. ‌‌ To construct the evaluation system of engineering cost consulting service quality is a systematic project. ‌ needs to consider many factors comprehensively, ‌ to ensure the scientificity, ‌ comprehensiveness and operability of the evaluation system. ‌ By establishing a scientific and reasonable evaluation system, ‌ can effectively improve the quality of engineering cost consulting services and ‌ promote the healthy development of the consulting industry.

‌ Key words ‌ : ‌ engineering cost consulting service, quality evaluation system, index composition and implementation strategy

一、绪论 4
1.1 研究背景 4
1.2 研究目的及意义 4
1.3 国内外研究现状 4
二、服务质量评价理论框架 5
2.1 服务质量评价的基本理论 5
2.1.1 服务质量定义 5
2.1.2 服务质量评价模型 5
2.2 服务质量评价的指标体系 5
2.2.1 指标选取原则 5
2.2.2 指标体系的构建 6
2.3 服务质量评价的方法 6
2.3.1 定性评价方法 6
2.3.2 定量评价方法 7
2.4 服务质量评价的标准与流程 7
2.4.1 评价标准制定 7
2.4.2 评价流程设计 7
三、工程造价咨询服务质量评价体系构建 8
3.1 评价目标与原则 8
3.1.1 评价目标明确 8
3.1.2 评价原则确定 8
3.2 评价指标的选择与量化 8
3.2.1 指标选择依据 8
3.2.2 指标量化方法 9
3.3 评价体系的实施机制 9
3.3.1 组织机构设置 9
3.3.2 评价周期与频率 9
3.4 评价结果的应用与改进 9
3.4.1 结果反馈机制 9
3.4.2 持续改进策略 10
四、工程造价咨询服务质量评价体系应用案例 10
4.1 案例项目概况 10
4.1.1 项目背景介绍 10
4.1.2 项目实施范围 11
4.2 案例项目的评价过程 11
4.2.1 评价体系的应用 11
4.2.2 数据收集与分析 12
4.3 案例项目的评价结果 12
4.3.1 结果展示 12
4.3.2 结果分析 13
4.4 案例项目的经验与启示 13
4.4.1 成功经验总结 13
4.4.2 对其他项目的借鉴意义 13
五、结论 14
参考文献 15



