


In construction project cost management, ‌ labor cost is an important part of direct cost, ‌ its reasonable analysis and effective control is of great significance for improving project economic benefits and ‌ optimizing resource allocation. ‌ this paper focuses on the in-depth analysis of labor cost in engineering cost. ‌ discusses the composition of labor cost, ‌ influencing factors and effective control strategies. ‌ aims at providing practical guidance and theoretical support for engineering project management. ‌‌ The composition of labor cost in engineering cost is elaborated in this paper. ‌ labor cost not only includes the direct expenses such as basic salary of production workers, ‌ wage subsidy, ‌ welfare fee and labor protection fee, but also indirectly involves many aspects such as labor productivity, ‌ technical proficiency, ‌ schedule of construction period and so on. ‌ These charges constitute an important part of the total project cost, ‌ have a direct impact on the project cost. ‌‌ This paper analyzes the main factors that affect the labor cost in the construction cost. ‌ includes project characteristics (‌, such as scale, ‌ category, ‌ construction environment, etc.) ‌, ‌ supply and demand relationship in labor market, ‌ adjustment of policies and regulations, ‌ and internal management efficiency of enterprises. ‌ The interaction of these factors, ‌ together determine the changing trend of labor cost and the difficulty of control. ‌‌ This paper puts forward the effective control strategy of labor cost in engineering cost. ‌ First, optimize the construction scheme, ‌ improve labor productivity, ‌ reasonable arrangement of construction procedures, ‌ the adoption of advanced construction technology, ‌ reduce unnecessary labor input; ‌ second, strengthen labor cost management, ‌ establish and improve the cost accounting system, ‌ monitor the changes of labor cost in real time, ‌ find and correct the deviation in time; ‌ third, pay attention to personnel training and introduction, ‌ to improve the overall quality and technical level of the construction team, ‌ to reduce labor costs to provide a strong guarantee; ‌ fourth, actively respond to market changes, ‌ flexibly adjust employment strategies, ‌ reduce the cost risks caused by market fluctuations. ‌‌ Labor cost analysis and control in engineering cost is a complicated and important work. ‌ Through in-depth analysis of the composition and influencing factors of labor cost, ‌ and adopting targeted control strategies, ‌ can effectively reduce labor cost and ‌ improve project economic benefits. ‌ It is of great significance to promote the sustainable development of the construction industry and ‌ to enhance the competitiveness of enterprises.

‌ Key words ‌ : ‌ engineering cost, labor cost analysis, cost control strategy

一、绪论 4
1.1 研究背景 4
1.2 研究目的及意义 4
1.3 国内外研究现状 5
二、程造价及人工成本概述 5
2.1 工程造价的组成 5
2.2 人工成本的构成要素 6
2.3 人工成本的影响因素 7
三、人工成本分析方法 7
3.1 定量分析方法 7
3.1.1 成本核算法 7
3.1.2 回归分析法 8
3.2 定性分析方法 9
3.2.1 专家咨询法 9
3.2.2 SWOT分析法 9
3.3 人工成本预算编制 10
3.3.1 预算编制原则 10
3.3.2 预算控制策略 10
3.4 人工成本效益分析 11
3.4.1 成本效益比计算 11
3.4.2 效益分析应用 12
四、人工成本控制策略 12
4.1 人力资源管理策略 12
4.1.1 员工招聘与选拔 12
4.1.2 员工培训与发展 13
4.2 劳动报酬管理策略 13
4.2.1 薪酬体系设计 13
4.2.2 激励机制建立 14
4.3 劳动生产率提升策略 14
4.3.1 技术革新与自动化 14
4.3.2 工作流程优化 15
4.4 法律法规遵循与风险管理 15
4.4.1 合规性检查 15
4.4.2 风险评估与应对 16
五、人工成本控制案例分析 17
5.1 案例项目概况 17
5.1.1 项目背景介绍 17
5.1.2 项目特点分析 17
5.2 案例项目的人工成本控制措施 18
5.2.1 控制措施的实施 18
5.2.2 控制效果评估 19
5.3 案例项目中成本控制的成功因素 19
5.3.1 成功关键因素提炼 19
5.3.2 可借鉴的经验总结 20
5.4 案例项目的启示与建议 20
5.4.1 对行业的启示 20
5.4.2 对未来项目的建议 21
六、结论 21
参考文献 23



