


This paper discusses the peaking function of pumped storage power station in the power system, and analyzes its important role in coping with the load fluctuation of the power system, ensuring the safe and stable operation of the power grid and improving the economy of the power system. With the continuous growth of power demand and the diversification of energy structure, the load fluctuation of power system is becoming more and more serious, which puts forward higher requirements for the peak load balancing capacity of power grid. Pumped storage power station, as a flexible and efficient way of energy storage, plays an important role in peak regulation in power system through its unique pumped storage cycle. This paper describes the basic principle and operation characteristics of pumped storage power station. The pumped storage power station uses the excess electric energy of the power system when the load is low to pump water to the upper reservoir and store it as the potential energy of water. During peak load, water is released to the lower reservoir for power generation to release stored energy, thus effectively balancing the contradiction between power supply and demand. Its unique mode of operation makes the pumped storage power station have obvious advantages such as quick start and stop, flexible adjustment and fast reaction speed. This paper analyzes in detail the peak regulating function of pumped storage power station in power system. On the one hand, pumped storage power stations can significantly improve the peaking capacity of the power system, reduce the peaking pressure of other generating units, reduce power generation costs, and improve the operation economy of the power system through rapid response to load changes. On the other hand, pumped storage power stations can also provide emergency standby capacity for the power system to ensure the safe and stable operation of the grid under emergencies. In the event of a grid failure or sudden load increase, pumped storage power stations can be quickly activated to provide emergency power support and prevent grid collapse. This paper also discusses the role of pumped storage power station in promoting the consumption of new energy. With the large-scale integration of wind power, photovoltaic and other new energy into the power grid, the intermittency and uncertainty of its output have brought great challenges to the power grid peak regulation. Pumped storage power station can smooth the fluctuation of new energy output, improve the utilization rate of new energy and the acceptance capacity of power grid through its flexible adjustment ability. Pumped storage power station plays an important role in peak regulation in electric power system. Its unique mode of operation and significant advantages make it an important means to ensure the safe and stable operation of the power grid, improve the economy of the power system and promote the consumption of new energy. In the future, with the continuous growth of power demand and the continuous optimization of energy structure, the peak load balancing function of pumped storage power stations will be more prominent, and its position in the power system will be more important.

Key words: pumped storage power station; Electric power system; Peak regulation

一、绪论 4
1.1 研究背景 4
1.2 研究目的及意义 4
1.3 国内外研究现状 4
二、抽水蓄能电站概述 5
2.1 抽水蓄能电站的工作原理 5
2.1.1 抽水蓄能过程描述 5
2.1.2 发电释放能量过程 5
2.2 抽水蓄能电站的类型与特点 5
2.2.1 按地理位置分类 5
2.2.2 按装机容量分类 6
2.3 抽水蓄能电站的经济效益 6
2.3.1 经济效益分析 6
2.3.2 成本效益比较 6
2.4 抽水蓄能电站的环境影响 7
2.4.1 生态环境影响 7
2.4.2 环境改善措施 7
三、电力系统调峰需求分析 8
3.1 电力系统的负荷特性 8
3.1.1 负荷曲线分析 8
3.1.2 峰谷差形成原因 8
3.2 调峰的必要性 8
3.2.1 电力系统稳定性要求 8
3.2.2 电力质量保障 9
3.3 调峰手段对比 9
3.3.1 传统调峰手段 9
3.3.2 新型调峰技术 9
3.4 调峰需求的未来趋势 10
3.4.1 电力市场发展影响 10
3.4.2 新能源接入的影响 10
四、抽水蓄能电站的调峰机制 11
4.1 调峰运行模式 11
4.1.1 单一调峰模式 11
4.1.2 复合调峰模式 12
4.2 调峰能力评估 12
4.2.1 调峰能力指标 12
4.2.2 影响因素分析 12
4.3 调峰运行控制策略 13
4.3.1 调度指令响应 13
4.3.2 优化控制算法 13
4.4 调峰效果及其影响因素 13
4.4.1 调峰效果评价标准 13
4.4.2 关键影响因素识别 14
五、结论 14
参考文献 16



