关键词:投标报价, 策略, 技巧
Abstract:This paper mainly discusses the basic theory, strategy and skills of bidding and quotation, and carries out practical application through case analysis. In the background and purpose of the study, the importance of bidding and the motivation of the study are introduced. In the part of bidding strategy, it introduces cost plus method, market pricing method, competitive pricing method and value engineering method. In the part of bidding skills, price forecasting, cost accounting, price adjustment and risk control are put forward. Through case analysis, a specific case is selected, and the solution and summary inspiration are provided. Finally, the conclusion part summarizes and generalizes the research content of this paper.
Key words:Bid quotation, strategy, skill
题目:浅谈投标报价策略及报价技巧 1
摘要: 1
1 绪论 2
1.1研究背景和目的 2
1.2研究内容与方法 2
2.投标报价基础理论 2
2.1投标报价的定义与特点 2
2.2投标报价的分类 3
1.按照报价类型分类 3
2.按照报价策略分类 3
3.按照计价方式分类 3
4.按照项目类型分类 3
5.按照竞争策略分类 3
2.3投标报价的构成要素 3
2.4投标报价的决策过程 4
3.投标报价策略 4
3.1成本加成法 4
3.2市场定价法 5
3.3竞争定价法 5
3.4价值工程法 5
4.投标报价技巧 6
4.1合理的价格预测 6
4.2准确的成本核算 6
4.3灵活的价格调整 7
4.4有效的风险控制 7
5.投标报价策略案例分析 8
5.1案例背景介绍 8
5.2案例分析与解决方案 8
5.3案例总结与启示 9
结论 9
参考文献 10
致谢 10