
摘    要


关键词:电力系统  暂态稳定性  智能控制技术


In power system operation, transient stability is an important index to measure whether the system can restore balance after a short time disturbance. With the development and complexity of power system, transient stability becomes one of the main factors threatening the safe operation of power system. In the transient stability theory of power system, the basic concept of power system stability is elaborated, the mechanism of transient instability is analyzed deeply, and a variety of transient stability evaluation methods are introduced. At the same time, the main factors affecting transient stability are discussed, including fault type, relay protection operation time, operation mode and load change, etc., which provides a theoretical basis for the subsequent analysis and control strategy. At the technical level, this paper introduces the traditional method of transient stability analysis and the modern numerical simulation technology, especially the application of variable step size integration method, high order numerical method and parallel computing technology, which significantly improves the analysis efficiency and accuracy. In addition, the paper also discusses the innovative application of artificial intelligence in transient stability analysis, showing the great potential of intelligent technology in this field.

Keyword:Electric power system  Transient stability  Intelligent control technology

目    录

1绪论 1

1.1研究背景与意义 1

1.2国内外研究现状 1

1.3研究目的及方法 2

2电力系统暂态稳定性理论 2

2.1电力系统稳定性概述 2

2.2暂态失稳的机理分析 2

2.3暂态稳定性评估方法 2

2.4影响暂态稳定的主要因素 3

2.4.1故障类型 3

2.4.2继电保护动作时间 3

2.4.3运行方式 4

2.4.4负荷变化 4

3暂态稳定性分析技术 4

3.1传统分析方法 4

3.1.1时间域仿真 4

3.1.2直接法 5

3.1.3等面积准则 5

3.2数值仿真技术 5

3.2.1变步长积分法 5

3.2.2高阶数值方法 6

3.2.3并行计算技术 6

3.3人工智能在暂态稳定性分析中的应用 6

4智能控制技术在暂态稳定性中的应用 6

4.1自适应控制策略 6

4.2模糊逻辑控制 7

4.3神经网络控制 7

4.4混合智能控制 8

5暂态稳定性控制策略 8

5.1基于继电保护的控制策略 8

5.2电力系统动态无功补偿技术 8

5.3静止无功补偿器在暂态稳定中的应用 9

5.4基于FACTS的控制策略 9

6结论 10

参考文献 11

致谢 12
