摘 要
"Returning Home" is a famous poem by the literary figure Tao Yuanming during the Eastern Jin Dynasty. The work not only showcases Tao Yuanming's unique literary talent, but also deeply reflects his feelings for seclusion and philosophy of life. Tao Yuanming, as a literati with noble sentiments, deeply dissatisfied with the darkness of the officialdom, chose to retire to the countryside in pursuit of inner peace and natural harmony. The main theme of "Returning Home" revolves around the theme of seclusion, expressing the author's longing and determination for a life of seclusion. Its literary characteristics are significant, with a combination of parallel and scattered, harmonious sound and rhyme, making the work both rhythmic and full of changes; Incorporating emotions into the scenery and blending them, making the nostalgia for returning to seclusion vividly presented; The structure is rigorous and unruly, demonstrating the author's superb literary skills. In terms of literary presentation, "Returning Home" vividly portrays the feelings of returning to seclusion through various techniques, such as directly expressing the determination and joy of returning to seclusion, expressing emotions through scenery, showcasing the details of returning to seclusion life, and using symbols and me taphors to deepen the theme of returning to seclusion. Tao Yuanming's philosophy of life revolves around returning to simplicity and pursuing nature, emphasizing a happy mindset, an open-minded attitude, upright conduct and moral cultivation, as well as the pursuit of freedom and self realization. These ideas not only influenced his literary creation, but also provided valuable spiritual wealth for future generations. The contemporary value of the sense of seclusion in "Returning Home" lies in encouraging people to pursue spiritual independence and inner peace, advocating a natural and harmonious way of life, providing a positive attitude towards facing difficulties, and inheriting and promoting the spirit of traditional culture. These values still hold significant practical significance in today's society.
Keywords: "Returning Home"; Returning to seclusion; Philosophy of Life
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景及意义 1
1.2 研究目的及内容 1
1.3 国内外研究现状 2
第2章 《归去来兮辞》概述 3
2.1 陶渊明生平简介 3
2.2 《归去来兮辞》的主旨内容 3
2.3 《归去来兮辞》的文学特点 4
2.3.1 骈散结合,音韵和谐 4
2.3.2 寓情于景,情景交融 4
2.3.3 结构谨严,不蔓不枝 5
第3章 《归去来兮辞》中归隐情怀的文学呈现 6
3.1 直接表达归隐的决心和喜悦 6
3.2 借景抒情,寄托归隐情怀 6
3.3 通过生活细节展现归隐生活 6
3.4 运用象征和隐喻深化归隐主题 6
第4章 陶渊明的人生哲学探讨 8
4.1 返璞归真与追求自然 8
4.2 快乐心态与豁达态度 8
4.3 正直品行与道德修养 8
4.4 追求自由与自我实现 9
第5章 陶渊明归隐情怀的当代价值 10
5.1 追求精神独立与内心平静 10
5.2 倡导自然与和谐的生活方式 10
5.3 提供面对困境的积极态度 10
5.4 传承和弘扬传统文化精神 11
结 论 12
参考文献 13