摘 要
Psychological pricing is a pricing strategy based on consumer psychology and behavioral characteristics. It achieves effective price setting and maximization of product value by deeply understanding consumer psychological needs and purchasing motivations. The definition of psychological pricing involves analyzing the psychological impact on consumers, including factors such as perceived value, purchasing motivation, and price sensitivity. The psychological principle lies in influencing consumers' psychological expectations and purchasing decisions through different pricing methods. The main strategies of psychological pricing include tail pricing strategy, integer pricing strategy, and reputation pricing strategy. The tail pricing strategy provides consumers with a perception of more favorable prices through non integer prices; The integer pricing strategy emphasizes the quality and value of the product through integer pricing; The reputation pricing strategy targets the high-end market, enhancing brand image and consumer recognition through high prices. In the high-end market, the application of psychological pricing is particularly widespread, including differential pricing, tail pricing, prestige pricing, and psychological label pricing. However, these strategies also face many challenges in their application, such as consumer trust crisis, increased price sensitivity, complexity of differentiated pricing, and cultural differences. In order to effectively address these challenges, a series of response strategies need to be adopted, including establishing trust with consumers, clarifying the value positioning of products, flexibly adjusting differential pricing, and strengthening cross-cultural communication and cooperation. The implementation of these strategies helps to ensure the effectiveness and sustainability of psychological pricing strategies in the high-end market, thereby enhancing the competitiveness and market share of enterprises.
Keywords: Psychological pricing; High end market; application research
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景及意义 1
1.2 研究目的及内容 1
1.3 国内外研究现状 2
第2章 心理定价理论基础 3
2.1 心理定价的概念界定 3
2.2 心理定价的心理学原理 3
2.3 心理定价的主要策略 4
2.3.1 尾数定价策略 4
2.3.2 整数定价策略 4
2.3.3 声望定价策略 5
第3章 心理定价在高端市场中的应用 6
3.1 差异定价法 6
3.2 尾数定价 6
3.3 威望定价 6
3.4 心理标签价定价法 7
第4章 心理定价在高端市场应用中面临的挑战 8
4.1 消费者信任危机 8
4.2 价格敏感度提高 8
4.3 差异化定价的复杂性 8
4.4 文化差异的挑战 9
第5章 心理定价在高端市场应用中的应对策略 10
5.1 建立与消费者之间的信任 10
5.2 明确产品的价值定位 10
5.3 灵活调整差异定价 10
5.4 加强跨文化沟通和合作 11
结 论 12
参考文献 13