This study focuses on the dilemma of Chinese classroom atmosphere in primary school and proposes corresponding countermeasures. Under the current educational background, primary school Chinese classroom often faced with the problems of dull atmosphere and low participation of students, which not only affects students' interest in learning, but also restricts the improvement of teaching effect. Through in-depth analysis, we find that the dull classroom atmosphere is mainly due to the single teaching method, the lack of interaction between teachers and students, and the neglect of students' subject status. To address these dilemmas, this study presents a series of countermeasures. First of all, teachers need to change the traditional teaching concept, pay attention to the subject status of students, stimulate students' interest and initiative in learning. Secondly, teachers should enrich the teaching methods and means, such as situational teaching and group cooperative learning, so as to increase the interest and interactivity of the classroom. At the same time, strengthening the communication and communication between teachers and students, establishing a good relationship between teachers and students, is also an important way to improve the classroom atmosphere. The study also emphasized the key role of teachers in building the classroom atmosphere. The teacher's teaching style, language and encouragement and affirmation to students can have a positive impact on the classroom atmosphere. Therefore, teachers should pay attention to the improvement of their own professional quality, into teaching with a more positive and enthusiastic attitude, so as to drive the active classroom atmosphere. Through in-depth analysis of the predicament of primary school Chinese classroom atmosphere, this study proposes a series of feasible countermeasures, aiming to provide useful reference for the majority of Chinese teachers, and jointly promote the improvement and development of primary school Chinese teaching.
Keywords: Primary school Chinese; classroom climate ; countermove
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景及意义 1
1.2 研究目的和内容 1
1.3 国内外研究现状 2
第2章 小学语文课堂气氛相关概述 3
2.1 课堂气氛的概念界定 3
2.2 当前小学语文课堂气氛的特点 3
2.2.1 互动性不足 3
2.2.2 教学方法单一 4
2.3 课堂气氛与学生参与度的关系 4
2.3.1 参与度与课堂气氛的相互影响机制 4
2.3.2 参与度提升与课堂气氛的良性循环 4
第3章 小学语文课堂气氛的困境探讨 6
3.1 教学内容与方法的单调性 6
3.2 传统教学模式的局限 6
3.3 学生学习兴趣逐渐削弱 7
3.4 课堂氛围调控的困难 7
第4章 小学语文课堂气氛困境的成因分析 8
4.1 应试教育导向 8
4.2 师生沟通不畅 8
4.3 学生个体差异大 9
4.4 教材内容枯燥 9
第5章 改善小学语文课堂气氛的对策研究 10
5.1 引入多元化的教学内容 10
5.2 设计吸引学生的课堂活动 10
5.3 创设宽松和谐的课堂环境 11
5.4 提升教师的课堂管理能力 11
结 论 13
参考文献 14
致 谢 15