

摘 要


The imbalance of urban and rural education resources is an important problem to be solved in the field of education. This imbalance phenomenon is affected by many factors, among which the difference in economic development level, the imperfect education policy, the remote geographical location and the inconvenient transportation are the main factors. Urban areas usually have more abundant educational resources, while rural areas are relatively backward economically, resulting in insufficient investment in education funds, poor teaching conditions, and excellent teachers tend to flow to cities. In order to alleviate this imbalance phenomenon, the government and all sectors of society need to make joint efforts to adopt a series of practical and effective countermeasures. First of all, the government should increase the investment in rural education, and focus on improving the running conditions and teaching quality of rural schools. This includes improving school infrastructure, such as teaching buildings, libraries; providing more advanced teaching equipment and materials, and strengthening teacher training to improve the teaching level and professionalism of rural teachers. We should promote the sharing and complementarity of urban and rural educational resources. Through the establishment of urban and rural education resources sharing platform, modern network technology is used to share high-quality urban education resources with rural schools, so that rural students can also enjoy high-quality educational resources. At the same time, urban teachers are encouraged to teach in rural areas and help rural schools improve their teaching level. The implementation of these measures will help narrow the gap between urban and rural education, promote educational equity, create fairer educational opportunities for students in rural areas, and promote the balanced development of education in China.

Keywords: Urban and rural education resources; disproportion; influencing factor

摘 要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景及意义 1
1.2 研究目的和内容 1
1.3 国内外研究现状 1
第2章 城乡教育资源不均衡的总体概况 3
2.1 我国城乡教育资源不均衡的主要表现 3
2.1.1 教育资源投入的不均衡 3
2.1.2 师资力量分布的不均衡 3
2.2 城乡教育资源不均衡的地理分布 3
2.2.1 东部与西部地区的资源分布差异 3
2.2.2 城市与农村地区的资源分布差异 4
2.2.3 偏远地区与发达地区的资源分布差异 4
2.3 城乡教育资源不均衡的社会影响 5
2.3.1 教育机会不平等加剧 5
2.3.2 教育质量差异显著 5
第3章 城乡教育资源不均衡的具体领域 6
3.1 教育投入 6
3.2 教育机会 6
3.3 教育质量 7
第4章 城乡教育资源不均衡的影响因素分析 8
4.1 政策执行过程中的偏差与不足 8
4.2 城乡经济发展水平的差异 8
4.3 社会阶层与教育资源的关系 9
4.4 教育体制内部的城乡差异 9
第5章 促进城乡教育资源均衡发展的对策研究 11
5.1 完善城乡教育政策体系 11
5.2 增加对农村教育的财政投入 11
5.3 营造尊师重教的社会氛围 12
5.4 利用信息技术促进教育资源共享 12
结 论 14
参考文献 15
致 谢 16



