
摘 要

As an important mathematical thought method, the combination of numbers and shapes has wide application value in high school mathematics teaching. With the implementation of the new curriculum standard, mathematics teaching pays more attention to the cultivation of students 'intuitive thinking and spatial imagination ability, and the combination of numbers and shapes has become an effective way to improve students' mathematical literacy. The purpose of this study is to investigate the specific application strategy of number-shape combination in high school mathematics teaching and its influence on students' learning effect. Through literature analysis, teaching experiment and questionnaire survey, it is found that the combination of numbers and shapes can significantly improve students' problem solving efficiency and depth of understanding, especially in the fusion application of geometry and algebraic knowledge. The results show that teachers 'reasonable use of graphics assistance, dynamic demonstration and other means in teaching can effectively promote students' understanding of abstract concepts and enhance their problem-solving ability.
Key  Words  : Combination of numbers and shapes; high school mathematics teaching; intuitive thinking

目  录
摘 要 1
1 数形结合的理论基础与教学意义 2
1.1 数形结合的基本概念与数学哲学基础 2
1.2 数形结合在高中数学教学中的重要性 3
1.3 数形结合对学生数学思维发展的影响 3
2 数形结合在高中数学教学中的具体应用 4
2.1 函数与图像的结合应用 4
2.2 几何问题中的数形结合策略 5
2.3 解析几何中的数形结合方法 5
3 数形结合教学的实践与效果评估 6
3.1 数形结合教学案例分析 6
3.2 学生对数形结合教学的反馈与认知变化 6
3.3 数形结合教学效果的量化评估与改进建议 7
4 结论 7
参考文献 9
谢辞 10
