摘 要
文章从河北省的自然和社会经济状况出发,从资源稳定性、环境保护、经济可行性、社会支持等几个角度对河北省土地资源的可持续利用进行了研究。在此基础上,应用 AHP方法对河北省2005-2012年度土地资源的可持续利用程度进行了线性比较,并应用线性回归模型对该地区的土地资源可持续利用进行了评估。
关键词:土地资源 可持续利用 评价指标
At present, the contradiction between population and land is becoming increasingly prominent in China. The population is increasing, the cultivated land is decreasing, and the per capita land resources are scarce. However, this contradiction is further aggravated due to the unreasonable use of land. Taking Hebei Province as an example, this paper evaluates the sustainable use of land resources, provides scientific reference for the formulation of national policies and policies, and further improves the sustainable use of land resources.
This paper studies the sustainable utilization of land resources in Hebei Province from the aspects of resource stability, environmental protection, economic feasibility, social support, etc. On this basis, AHP method is used to make a linear comparison of the sustainable utilization of land resources in Hebei Province from 2005 to 2012, and the linear regression model is used to evaluate the sustainable utilization of land resources in this area.
According to the current situation of the sustainable development of land resources in Hebei Province, the problems such as sharp contradiction between people and land, extensive construction land, serious ecological damage, and imperfect policies and regulations are put forward. This paper puts forward corresponding countermeasures from the aspects of population control, industrial structure adjustment, development of environmental protection industry, and improvement of policies and regulations.
Key words: Land resources Sustainable use evaluating indicator
摘 要 I
Abstract II
1 前言 1
1.1 研究的背景和意义 1
1.2 国内外研究文献综述 1
1.3 本文研究的方法 2
2 土地资源可持续利用的理论基础 3
2.1 概论 3
2.1.1 土地资源可持续利用的基本内涵 3
2.1.2 土地资源可持续利用评价的涵义 3
2.2 土地资源可持续利用的理论基础 3
2.2.1 资源稀缺理论 3
2.2.2 可持续发展理论 4
2.2.3生态经济学理论 4
2.2.4资源价值理论 4
3 河北省土地资源可持续利用综合评价 5
3.1 评价目标 5
3.2 指标权重的确定 5
3.3 评价指标体系的建立 5
3.3.1指标体系构建的原则 5
3.3.2评价指标体系和指标的选取 6
3.4评价模型的构建 7
4 河北省土地资源可持续利用问题分析 7
4.1 人地矛盾日益尖锐,耕地资源后备不足 7
4.1.1人均耕地面积逐年减少 7
4.1.2耕地占补平衡问题重重 8
4.2 局地生态环境脆弱,土地退化问题严重 8
4.2.1水土流失、土地沙化现象严重 8
4.2.2土壤污染严重 9
4.3建设用地粗放,浪费现象严重 9
4.3.1居民点用地面积大,人均用地超标 9
4.3.2工矿用地面积增加,矿区土地复垦率较低 9
4.4执法环境日益复杂,违法违规用地现象时有发生 10
5 河北省土地资源可持续利用对策研究 10
5.1 控制人口数量,切实保护耕地 10
5.1.1适当控制人口数量 10
5.1.2申请跨区域土地占补平衡 11
5.1.3划定和保护永久基本农田 11
5.2 优化产业结构,大力发展环保产业 11
5.2.1 第一产业 11
5.2.2 第二产业 12
5.3进行建设用地整理,严格控制其规模 13
5.3.1 遵循节约集约用地原则,健全各类用地标准体系 13
5.3.2 因地制宜,提高矿区土地复垦率 13
5.4加强对土地资源可持续利用的认识 13
6 结论 14
文章从河北省的自然和社会经济状况出发,从资源稳定性、环境保护、经济可行性、社会支持等几个角度对河北省土地资源的可持续利用进行了研究。在此基础上,应用 AHP方法对河北省2005-2012年度土地资源的可持续利用程度进行了线性比较,并应用线性回归模型对该地区的土地资源可持续利用进行了评估。
关键词:土地资源 可持续利用 评价指标
At present, the contradiction between population and land is becoming increasingly prominent in China. The population is increasing, the cultivated land is decreasing, and the per capita land resources are scarce. However, this contradiction is further aggravated due to the unreasonable use of land. Taking Hebei Province as an example, this paper evaluates the sustainable use of land resources, provides scientific reference for the formulation of national policies and policies, and further improves the sustainable use of land resources.
This paper studies the sustainable utilization of land resources in Hebei Province from the aspects of resource stability, environmental protection, economic feasibility, social support, etc. On this basis, AHP method is used to make a linear comparison of the sustainable utilization of land resources in Hebei Province from 2005 to 2012, and the linear regression model is used to evaluate the sustainable utilization of land resources in this area.
According to the current situation of the sustainable development of land resources in Hebei Province, the problems such as sharp contradiction between people and land, extensive construction land, serious ecological damage, and imperfect policies and regulations are put forward. This paper puts forward corresponding countermeasures from the aspects of population control, industrial structure adjustment, development of environmental protection industry, and improvement of policies and regulations.
Key words: Land resources Sustainable use evaluating indicator
摘 要 I
Abstract II
1 前言 1
1.1 研究的背景和意义 1
1.2 国内外研究文献综述 1
1.3 本文研究的方法 2
2 土地资源可持续利用的理论基础 3
2.1 概论 3
2.1.1 土地资源可持续利用的基本内涵 3
2.1.2 土地资源可持续利用评价的涵义 3
2.2 土地资源可持续利用的理论基础 3
2.2.1 资源稀缺理论 3
2.2.2 可持续发展理论 4
2.2.3生态经济学理论 4
2.2.4资源价值理论 4
3 河北省土地资源可持续利用综合评价 5
3.1 评价目标 5
3.2 指标权重的确定 5
3.3 评价指标体系的建立 5
3.3.1指标体系构建的原则 5
3.3.2评价指标体系和指标的选取 6
3.4评价模型的构建 7
4 河北省土地资源可持续利用问题分析 7
4.1 人地矛盾日益尖锐,耕地资源后备不足 7
4.1.1人均耕地面积逐年减少 7
4.1.2耕地占补平衡问题重重 8
4.2 局地生态环境脆弱,土地退化问题严重 8
4.2.1水土流失、土地沙化现象严重 8
4.2.2土壤污染严重 9
4.3建设用地粗放,浪费现象严重 9
4.3.1居民点用地面积大,人均用地超标 9
4.3.2工矿用地面积增加,矿区土地复垦率较低 9
4.4执法环境日益复杂,违法违规用地现象时有发生 10
5 河北省土地资源可持续利用对策研究 10
5.1 控制人口数量,切实保护耕地 10
5.1.1适当控制人口数量 10
5.1.2申请跨区域土地占补平衡 11
5.1.3划定和保护永久基本农田 11
5.2 优化产业结构,大力发展环保产业 11
5.2.1 第一产业 11
5.2.2 第二产业 12
5.3进行建设用地整理,严格控制其规模 13
5.3.1 遵循节约集约用地原则,健全各类用地标准体系 13
5.3.2 因地制宜,提高矿区土地复垦率 13
5.4加强对土地资源可持续利用的认识 13
6 结论 14