摘 要
With the accelerating global energy structure transition, the penetration rate of renewable energy in power systems continues to increase. However, its inherent intermittency and volatility pose severe challenges to the stable operation of the grid. To address this issue, energy storage technology, as a critical means of balancing supply and demand and mitigating fluctuations, has become a key area of research and application. This study aims to investigate the applicability of various types of energy storage technologies in renewable energy systems and their optimal configuration methods to enhance the economic efficiency and reliability of the system. By constructing a multi-ob jective optimization model and conducting simulation analyses based on practical cases, the study evaluates the performance of lithium-ion batteries, compressed air energy storage, flywheel energy storage, and other technologies in scenarios such as wind power and photovoltaics. The results indicate that different energy storage technologies exhibit significant differences in response speed, energy density, and cost, necessitating the selection of optimal solutions according to specific application contexts. Furthermore, this study proposes a design method for hybrid energy storage systems based on dynamic dispatching strategies, effectively improving the utilization rate of energy storage devices and overall system performance. The research demonstrates that the rational application of energy storage technologies can significantly enhance the grid-friendliness of renewable energy and reduce the comprehensive operating costs of the system. The primary innovation of this study lies in the development of an energy storage optimization configuration fr amework suitable for complex scenarios and the validation of the superiority of hybrid energy storage systems in addressing diverse demands, providing theoretical support and technical references for the future synergistic development of renewable energy and energy storage technologies..
Key Words:Energy Storage Technology;Renewable Energy System;Optimization Configuration;Hybrid Energy Storage;Dynamic Scheduling Strategy
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 储能技术与可再生能源系统的研究背景 1
1.2 储能技术在可再生能源系统中的应用意义 1
1.3 国内外研究现状分析 2
1.4 本文研究方法与技术路线 2
第2章 储能技术在可再生能源系统中的关键需求分析 4
2.1 可再生能源系统的特性与挑战 4
2.2 储能技术对可再生能源系统的关键作用 4
2.3 不同储能技术的适用场景分析 5
2.4 储能技术与电网稳定性的关系 6
2.5 当前储能技术在实际应用中的局限性 6
第3章 储能技术在可再生能源系统中的优化配置研究 8
3.1 储能系统优化配置的基本原则 8
3.1.1 能量匹配与需求预测 8
3.1.2 成本效益分析框架 8
3.1.3 系统效率评估方法 9
3.1.4 环境影响考量因素 9
3.1.5 技术可行性验证路径 9
3.2 基于不同场景的储能配置策略 10
3.2.1 分布式光伏系统中的储能配置 10
3.2.2 风电场储能系统的优化设计 10
3.2.3 微电网中储能容量的合理分配 11
3.2.4 大型电网储能的规模规划 11
3.2.5 混合储能系统的协同配置方法 11
3.3 数据驱动的储能优化模型构建 12
3.3.1 数据采集与预处理流程 12
3.3.2 数学建模的核心要素 12
3.3.3 模型求解算法的选择与改进 12
3.3.4 模型验证与结果分析 13
3.3.5 实际案例的应用效果评估 13
第4章 储能技术在可再生能源系统中的经济性与政策支持研究 14
4.1 储能技术经济性评价体系构建 14
4.1.1 初始投资成本分析 14
4.1.2 运行维护费用估算 14
4.1.3 寿命周期成本计算方法 15
4.1.4 收益来源与风险评估 15
4.1.5 敏感性分析与不确定性量化 15
4.2 政策支持对储能技术推广的影响 16
4.2.1 补贴政策的作用机制 16
4.2.2 碳交易市场对储能发展的推动 16
4.2.3 税收优惠的具体实施方式 17
4.2.4 法规标准的制定与执行情况 17
4.2.5 国际经验与中国实践对比分析 17
4.3 商业模式创新与市场机制探索 17
4.3.1 储能共享经济模式的设计 18
4.3.2 虚拟电厂的运营机制研究 18
4.3.3 用户侧储能的盈利模式分析 18
4.3.4 电力市场改革对储能的影响 19
4.3.5 新兴商业模式的风险与机遇评估 19
结 论 20
参考文献 21
致 谢 22