摘 要
As a product of the deep integration of next-generation information technology and energy systems, the Energy Internet serves as a critical platform for achieving efficient energy utilization, promoting renewable energy development, and advancing the realization of the "dual carbon" goals. This paper focuses on the construction model and development path of the Energy Internet, aiming to explore its comprehensive impacts at the technical, economic, and social levels while proposing optimization strategies adaptable to future needs. Based on a multidisciplinary perspective, the study combines theoretical analysis with empirical research, first reviewing the development context of the Energy Internet and its pivotal role in global energy transition. Subsequently, an analytical fr amework is constructed, incorporating core elements such as distributed energy integration, intelligent dispatching, and demand response. Through case studies and data modeling, this paper elucidates the operational mechanisms and benefit characteristics of the Energy Internet under various scenarios while identifying existing technological bottlenecks, market barriers, and policy challenges during its construction. The findings indicate that the development of the Energy Internet should emphasize regionally differentiated layouts, aligning with local resource endowments and technical conditions to create flexible and scalable architectural designs. Moreover, the introduction of emerging technologies such as blockchain and artificial intelligence can significantly enhance system intelligence and collaborative efficiency. A key innovation of this paper lies in the proposal of a multi-level collaborative optimization model for the development path of the Energy Internet, which not only highlights dual drivers of technology and economics but also fully considers the influence of social acceptance and environmental sustainability. The results provide a scientific basis for policymakers and guide energy enterprises in implementing technological innovation and exploring business models, ultimately contributing to the accelerated large-scale application of the Energy Internet and the green transformation of the global energy system..
Key Words:Energy Internet;Multi-Level Collaborative Optimization;Distributed Energy;Intelligent Technology;Dual Carbon Goals
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 能源互联网建设的研究背景与意义 1
1.2 国内外能源互联网研究现状分析 1
1.3 本文研究方法与技术路线 2
第2章 能源互联网建设模式的关键要素分析 3
2.1 能源互联网的定义与核心特征 3
2.2 技术支撑体系对建设模式的影响 3
2.3 政策环境对建设模式的作用机制 4
2.4 商业模式在能源互联网中的地位 5
第3章 能源互联网建设模式的典型路径探索 6
3.1 区域型能源互联网建设模式分析 6
3.1.1 区域资源整合策略 6
3.1.2 分布式能源接入方式 6
3.1.3 智能电网技术应用 7
3.1.4 数据共享平台构建 7
3.2 城市级能源互联网建设模式探讨 7
3.2.1 城市能源需求特征分析 7
3.2.2 多能互补系统设计 8
3.2.3 能源管理平台开发 8
3.2.4 用户侧响应机制优化 8
3.3 国家级能源互联网建设模式研究 9
3.3.1 跨区域能源传输规划 9
3.3.2 碳中和目标下的路径选择 9
3.3.3 能源政策协调机制 10
3.3.4 技术标准体系建设 10
3.4 全球视角下的能源互联网建设模式对比 10
3.4.1 发达国家经验总结 11
3.4.2 发展中国家实践启示 11
3.4.3 国际合作潜力评估 11
3.4.4 未来发展趋势预测 12
第4章 能源互联网发展路径的战略规划与实施建议 13
4.1 发展路径的核心驱动因素分析 13
4.1.1 技术创新驱动作用 13
4.1.2 市场需求导向影响 13
4.1.3 政策支持体系完善 14
4.1.4 社会接受度提升策略 14
4.2 不同阶段的发展路径设计 14
4.2.1 初期试点示范项目布局 15
4.2.2 中期规模化推广方案 15
4.2.3 后期全面覆盖战略 15
4.2.4 动态调整机制建立 15
4.3 关键领域的发展路径优化策略 16
4.3.1 新能源发电并网路径优化 16
4.3.2 储能技术应用路径改进 16
4.3.3 智慧能源系统升级路径 17
4.3.4 能效提升路径探索 17
4.4 风险防控与发展路径保障措施 17
4.4.1 技术风险识别与应对 18
4.4.2 经济风险评估与缓解 18
4.4.3 法律风险规避与解决 18
4.4.4 社会风险监测与管理 19
结 论 19
参考文献 21
致 谢 23