摘 要
关键词:微电网 储能优化配置 能量管理
With the continuous improvement of renewable energy penetration rate and the rapid development of distributed generation technology, microgrid, as an important carrier to realize energy efficient utilization and sustainable development, its operation optimization and energy management have become a research hotspot. In view of the key role of energy storage system in microgrid, this paper conducts in-depth research on the optimal configuration and energy management of energy storage system. The purpose of the study is to propose the optimal energy storage allocation strategy and dynamic energy management method suitable for different scenarios by establishing a scientific and reasonable mathematical model and comprehensively considering the multi-ob jective factors such as economy, reliability and environmental benefits. Specifically, the mixed integer linear planning method is adopted to optimize the energy storage capacity, and the time-sharing electricity price mechanism and load prediction technology are combined to build the energy scheduling fr amework based on rolling optimization. In addition, the innovative introduction of deep reinforcement learning algorithms to cope with the influence of uncertain factors, significantly improves the flexibility and robustness of microgrid operation.
Keyword:Microgrid Energy Storage Optimization Configuration Energy Management
目 录
1绪论 1
1.1微电网与储能系统研究背景 1
1.2储能优化配置的研究意义 1
1.3国内外研究现状分析 1
1.4本文研究方法与技术路线 2
2储能系统优化配置模型构建 2
2.1微电网中储能需求分析 2
2.2储能系统优化配置目标函数 3
2.3约束条件与参数设定 3
2.4数学建模方法选择 4
2.5模型验证与适用性分析 4
3储能系统优化配置算法研究 4
3.1传统优化算法的局限性分析 5
3.2改进优化算法的设计思路 5
3.3算法性能评估指标体系 5
3.4算法仿真与结果分析 6
3.5算法在实际场景中的应用前景 6
4储能系统的能量管理策略研究 7
4.1能量管理的基本原则与框架 7
4.2不同工况下的能量分配策略 7
4.3实时调度算法的设计与实现 8
4.4能量管理系统的经济性分析 8
4.5策略优化与未来发展方向 9
结论 9
参考文献 11
致谢 12