
摘  要:教育改革背景下,小学语文阅读教学对提升学生语言能力和核心素养至关重要。本研究探讨了优化教学策略以提高教学有效性,促进学生阅读兴趣、理解能力和综合素养的发展。研究结合国内外理论与实践,通过问卷调查、课堂观察和案例分析等方法,系统分析了影响教学有效性的因素。发现传统教学模式存在互动不足等问题,而以学生为中心的互动式课堂、多元评价机制和数字化教学资源整合能显著提升教学效果。提出“情境—探究—反思”三位一体教学框架,强调真实情境激发学习动机、探究培养批判性思维、反思深化理解。该框架的应用提升了学生阅读参与度和教师专业能力。


Strategies for Enhancing the Effectiveness of Reading Instruction in Primary School Chinese Language Education
Xing Ming
(×× School, Anyang Normal University, Anyang, 455002)

Abstract:Under the background of educational reform, Chinese reading teaching in primary schools is crucial to improving students' language ability and core accomplishment. This study explores the optimization of teaching strategies to improve teaching effectiveness and promote the development of students' reading interest, comprehension and comprehensive literacy. Based on the theory and practice at home and abroad, the factors affecting the teaching effectiveness are systematically analyzed through questionnaire survey, classroom observation and case analysis. It is found that the traditional teaching mode has problems such as insufficient interaction, and the student-centered interactive classroom, multiple evaluation mechanism and the integration of digital teaching resources can significantly improve the teaching effect. The trinity teaching fr amework of "context-inquiry-reflection" is proposed, which emphasizes that the real situation stimulates learning motivation, inquiry cultivates critical thinking, and reflection deepens understanding. The application of the fr amework improves students 'reading engagement and teachers' professional competence.

Key words:Primary School Chinese Reading Teaching; Teaching Effectiveness; Interactive Classroom; Diverse Assessment; Situation-Exploration-Reflection fr amework

目  录
摘  要 1
Abstract 1
一、小学语文阅读教学现状分析 4
(一)阅读教学目标定位问题 4
(二)教学方法存在的不足 4
(三)学生阅读兴趣培养现状 5
(四)师资水平对教学效果的影响 5
二、提升小学语文阅读教学有效性的理论基础 6
(一)阅读教学的核心理念解析 6
(二)有效教学的理论框架构建 6
(三)学习动机与阅读能力的关系 6
(四)阅读策略在教学中的应用价值 6
(五)文化背景对阅读教学的影响 7
三、小学语文阅读教学有效性提升的具体策略 7
(一)激发学生阅读兴趣的方法 7
(二)优化课堂教学设计的路径 7
(三)引入多样化阅读材料的意义 8
(四)培养自主阅读能力的措施 8
(五)加强师生互动促进理解 8
四、小学语文阅读教学有效性评价体系构建 9
(一)阅读教学评价指标的设计 9
(二)定量与定性评价方法结合 9
(三)学生阅读能力发展评估标准 9
(四)教师教学质量反馈机制建立 10
(五)持续改进评价体系的思路 10
结论 10
参考文献 12
致谢 13
