

摘  要:随着素质教育的深入推进,小学语文写作教学逐渐从传统的知识传授转向注重学生创造力的培养,然而当前教学实践中仍存在创意激发不足、方法单一等问题。本研究旨在探索适合小学阶段的写作教学策略,以有效激发学生的创作潜能。通过文献分析与课堂观察相结合的方式,研究梳理了国内外相关理论,并选取某市三所小学共计450名学生作为研究对象,采用问卷调查和实验对比的方法,深入探讨了创意激发策略的实际应用效果。研究表明,将情境创设、多感官体验、跨学科融合等创新元素融入写作教学,能够显著提升学生的写作兴趣和表达能力。此外,教师的角色转变以及评价方式的多元化也是促进创意激发的重要因素。


A Study on Creative Stimulation Strategies in Primary School Chinese Writing Instruction

Abstract:With the deepening of quality education, primary school Chinese writing teaching has gradually shifted from traditional knowledge imparting to focusing on cultivating students' creativity. However, there are still problems in current teaching practice such as insufficient creativity stimulation and single methods. This study aims to explore writing teaching strategies suitable for primary school students, in order to effectively stimulate their creative potential. Through a combination of literature analysis and classroom observation, relevant theories at home and abroad were studied and sorted out. A total of 450 students from three primary schools in a certain city were selected as research subjects, and the practical application effects of creative stimulation strategies were deeply explored through questionnaire surveys and experimental comparisons. Research has shown that incorporating innovative elements such as situational creation, multisensory experiences, and interdisciplinary integration into writing instruction can significantly enhance students' writing interest and ex pression ability. In addition, the transformation of teachers' roles and the diversification of evaluation methods are also important factors in promoting creativity.

Key words:Primary School Chinese Writing Instruction; Creativity Stimulation Strategies; Context Creation; Multi-Sensory Experience; Interdisciplinary Integration

目  录
摘  要 1
Abstract. 1
一、小学语文写作教学现状分析 5
(一)写作教学的现实困境 5
(二)学生创意表达的障碍 5
(三)教师指导方式的局限性 6
(四)当前研究的不足与方向 6
二、创意激发的理论基础与实践意义 6
(一)创意激发的核心概念 6
(二)心理学视角下的创意培养 7
(三)语文写作中的创意表现形式 7
(四)创意激发对写作能力提升的作用 7
三、创意激发策略的设计与实施 8
(一)情境创设与灵感启发 8
(二)多元主题的引入与拓展 8
(三)互动式教学促进创意表达 9
(四)技巧训练与创意结合的方法 9
四、创意激发策略的效果评估与优化 9
(一)学生创意水平的变化分析 9
(二)教学实践中遇到的挑战 10
(三)策略优化的方向与路径 10
(四)长期效果的跟踪与展望 10
结论 11
参考文献 12
致谢 13
