

摘    要


关键词:薪酬公平感  工作投入度  情绪因素

  Perceived pay fairness, as a critical component of employees' psychological perception, has profound implications for organizational management practices. Grounded in social exchange theory and equity theory, this study investigates the mechanism through which perceived pay fairness influences employee work engagement, further analyzing the mediating effect of emotional factors and the moderating role of leader support. Data were collected from 386 employees across various industries using a questionnaire survey method, and empirical tests were conducted via structural equation modeling and hierarchical regression analysis. The results indicate that perceived pay fairness significantly and positively affects work engagement, with positive emotions partially mediating this relationship, while negative emotions did not exhibit a significant mediating effect. Moreover, leader support significantly strengthens the positive influence of perceived pay fairness on work engagement. A key innovation of this study lies in simultaneously incorporating emotional factors and leader support into the theoretical fr amework, thereby providing a more comprehensive understanding of the psychological mechanisms and contextual boundaries through which perceived pay fairness impacts employee behavior. This finding not only enriches theoretical research on fairness perception and work engagement but also offers practical implications for managers, suggesting that enhancing pay fairness, attending to employees' emotional well-being, and reinforcing leader support can effectively promote work engagement and, consequently, sustainably optimize organizational performance.

Keyword:Perceived Pay Fairness  Job Engagement  Emotional Factors

目  录
引言 1
1薪酬公平感的理论基础 1
1.1薪酬公平感的概念界定 1
1.2公平理论的核心内容 2
1.3薪酬公平感的维度划分 2
2员工工作投入度的内涵与测量 2
2.1工作投入度的定义与特征 2
2.2工作投入度的测量方法 3
2.3工作投入度的影响因素分析 3
2.4高工作投入度的组织价值 4
2.5工作投入度研究的不足之处 4
3薪酬公平感与工作投入度的关系机制 4
3.1薪酬公平感对工作投入度的直接影响 4
3.2心理契约在两者间的中介作用 5
3.3组织支持感知的调节效应分析 5
3.4不同群体的差异性影响机制 6
3.5关系机制的理论模型构建 6
4实证研究与对策建议 6
4.1研究假设与变量设计 6
4.2数据收集与样本特征分析 7
4.3实证结果与假设检验 7
4.4提升薪酬公平感的具体策略 8
4.5促进工作投入度的管理启示 8
结论 8
参考文献 10
致谢 11




