
摘    要
  大跨度桥梁作为现代交通基础设施的重要组成部分,其结构安全性与耐久性备受关注,而疲劳问题则是影响其长期服役性能的关键因素之一为此,本文针对大跨度桥梁结构的疲劳寿命评估展开系统研究,旨在建立一种高效、精确且适用于复杂工况的评估方法研究中引入了基于雨流计数法和 Miner线性累积损伤理论的经典疲劳分析框架,并结合有限元数值模拟技术对关键部位的应力应变响应进行精细化建模同时,提出了一种融合多源环境荷载数据的动态疲劳寿命预测模型,显著提升了评估结果的准确性与可靠性通过工程实例验证表明,该方法能够有效捕捉桥梁结构在实际运营条件下的疲劳损伤演化规律,为桥梁维护决策提供了科学依据本文的主要创新点在于将大数据驱动的环境荷载谱与传统疲劳分析方法有机结合,从而突破了现有评估手段在复杂工况适应性方面的局限性研究成果可为大跨度桥梁的设计优化与全寿命周期管理提供重要参考

关键词:大跨度桥梁; 疲劳寿命评估; 雨流计数法; Miner线性累积损伤理论

  Long-span bridges, as a critical component of modern transportation infrastructure, have drawn significant attention regarding their structural safety and durability. Fatigue issues are among the key factors affecting their long-term service performance. To address this, this study systematically investigates the fatigue life assessment of long-span bridge structures, aiming to establish an efficient, accurate, and adaptable method for complex operating conditions. The research incorporates a classical fatigue analysis fr amework based on the rainflow counting method and Miner's linear cumulative damage theory, combined with finite element numerical simulation technology for detailed modeling of stress-strain responses at critical locations. Additionally, a dynamic fatigue life prediction model integrating multi-source environmental load data is proposed, which significantly enhances the accuracy and reliability of the assessment results. Engineering case validation demonstrates that this method effectively captures the fatigue damage evolution patterns of bridge structures under actual operational conditions, providing a scientific basis for maintenance decision-making. The primary innovation of this study lies in the organic combination of big data-driven environmental load spectra with traditional fatigue analysis methods, overcoming the limitations of existing evaluation approaches in adapting to complex conditions. The research findings offer important references for the design optimization and full lifecycle management of long-span bridges.

Key words:Long-Span Bridge; Fatigue Life Assessment; Rainflow Counting Method; Miner Linear Cumulative Damage Theory
目  录
中文摘要 I
英文摘要 II
引    言 1
第1章、大跨度桥梁疲劳特性分析 3
1.1、疲劳损伤机理研究 3
1.2、应力分布特征分析 3
1.3、材料性能影响因素 3
第2章、疲劳寿命评估理论方法 5
2.1、经典疲劳寿命预测模型 5
2.2、基于损伤累积的评估方法 5
2.3、动态载荷谱分析技术 6
第3章、数值模拟与实验验证方法 7
3.1、有限元模型建立与优化 7
3.2、实验测试方案设计 7
3.3、模拟结果与实测数据对比 7
第4章、工程应用与优化策略研究 9
4.1、实际工程案例分析 9
4.2、疲劳寿命延长措施探讨 9
4.3、维护管理策略建议 9
结    论 11
参考文献 12




