
摘    要


关键词:挥发性有机物  智能化管理  去除效率

  With the acceleration of industrialization, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), as an important pollutant in industrial waste gas, pose a serious threat to environmental quality and human health, and its governance has become a hot issue of global concern. This study aims to systematically analyze the main sources of VOCs and its hazards in current industrial waste gas, and to explore efficient and economically feasible treatment technologies. Using literature analysis, experimental verification and model simulation, a new treatment scheme based on different types of VOCs emission characteristics. This scheme significantly improved the removal efficiency of VOCs by optimizing the adsorption performance of activated carbon to the catalyst active group.

Keyword:Volatile Organic Compounds  Intelligent Management  Removal Efficiency

目  录
1绪论 1
1.1研究背景及意义 1
1.2国内外研究现状 1
1.3本文研究方法与技术路线 2
2VOCs治理技术原理与分类 2
2.1挥发性有机物的基本特性 2
2.2常见治理技术 3
2.3物理法治理技术的特点与应用 3
2.4化学法治理技术的优势与局限 4
2.5生物法治理技术的发展与前景 4
3VOCs治理技术的关键问题分析 5
3.1治理效率的影响因素分析 5
3.2能耗与经济成本的优化策略 5
3.3设备运行稳定性与维护要求 6
3.4不同行业排放特征 6
3.5技术选择中的环境与社会效益评估 6
4VOCs治理技术的创新与发展 7
4.1新型材料在挥发性有机物治理中的应用 7
4.2先进工艺组合技术的研究进展 7
4.3智能化监测与控制技术的应用 8
4.4绿色低碳理念下的技术革新方向 8
4.5未来趋势 9
结论 9
参考文献 11
致谢 12