摘 要
关键词:湿地生态系统 水质净化 污染物去除机制
As the "kidney of the earth", the wetland ecosystem plays an irreplaceable role in maintaining the quality of the water environment. The purpose of this study is to explore the mechanism of wetland ecosystem on water purification in order to provide scientific basis for wetland protection and restoration. Based on the method of combining field survey and laboratory simulation experiment, the typical wetland system was selected as the research ob ject, and the pollutant removal effect and synergistic effect of physical, chemical and biological processes in wetland were analyzed. The results show that wetlands effectively remove suspended particulate matter through deposition, adsorption and the filtering function of the plant roots, and significantly promote the conversion and fixation of nitrogen and phosphorus, thus reducing the risk of water eutrophication. In addition, the organic substances secreted by wetland plants can promote the formation of iron and manganese oxides and further strengthen the fixation effect of heavy me tals.
Keyword:Wetland Ecosystem Water Quality Purification Pollutant Removal Mechanism
目 录
1绪论 1
1.1湿地生态系统与水质净化的研究背景 1
1.2湿地水质净化机制的研究意义 1
1.3国内外研究现状与进展 1
1.4本文研究方法与技术路线 2
2湿地生态系统的结构与功能 2
2.1湿地生态系统的组成要素 2
2.2湿地生态系统的物质循环机制 3
2.3湿地对污染物的拦截作用 3
2.4湿地植被在水质净化中的作用 3
2.5湿地微生物群落的功能分析 4
3水质净化的关键过程与机制 4
3.1物理过滤与沉积作用机制 4
3.2化学吸附与转化作用机制 5
3.3生物降解与同化作用机制 5
3.4湿地水动力条件对净化的影响 6
3.5关键过程的协同作用分析 6
4湿地水质净化效果的评估与优化 7
4.1水质净化效果的评价指标体系 7
4.2不同类型湿地的净化能力比较 7
4.3影响水质净化效率的主要因素 8
4.4湿地修复与管理的技术策略 8
4.5提高水质净化效果的优化路径 8
结论 9
参考文献 10
致谢 11
关键词:湿地生态系统 水质净化 污染物去除机制
As the "kidney of the earth", the wetland ecosystem plays an irreplaceable role in maintaining the quality of the water environment. The purpose of this study is to explore the mechanism of wetland ecosystem on water purification in order to provide scientific basis for wetland protection and restoration. Based on the method of combining field survey and laboratory simulation experiment, the typical wetland system was selected as the research ob ject, and the pollutant removal effect and synergistic effect of physical, chemical and biological processes in wetland were analyzed. The results show that wetlands effectively remove suspended particulate matter through deposition, adsorption and the filtering function of the plant roots, and significantly promote the conversion and fixation of nitrogen and phosphorus, thus reducing the risk of water eutrophication. In addition, the organic substances secreted by wetland plants can promote the formation of iron and manganese oxides and further strengthen the fixation effect of heavy me tals.
Keyword:Wetland Ecosystem Water Quality Purification Pollutant Removal Mechanism
目 录
1绪论 1
1.1湿地生态系统与水质净化的研究背景 1
1.2湿地水质净化机制的研究意义 1
1.3国内外研究现状与进展 1
1.4本文研究方法与技术路线 2
2湿地生态系统的结构与功能 2
2.1湿地生态系统的组成要素 2
2.2湿地生态系统的物质循环机制 3
2.3湿地对污染物的拦截作用 3
2.4湿地植被在水质净化中的作用 3
2.5湿地微生物群落的功能分析 4
3水质净化的关键过程与机制 4
3.1物理过滤与沉积作用机制 4
3.2化学吸附与转化作用机制 5
3.3生物降解与同化作用机制 5
3.4湿地水动力条件对净化的影响 6
3.5关键过程的协同作用分析 6
4湿地水质净化效果的评估与优化 7
4.1水质净化效果的评价指标体系 7
4.2不同类型湿地的净化能力比较 7
4.3影响水质净化效率的主要因素 8
4.4湿地修复与管理的技术策略 8
4.5提高水质净化效果的优化路径 8
结论 9
参考文献 10
致谢 11