
摘  要



Feminist Tendencies in *Jane Eyre*


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  Jane Eyre, as a classic work of 19th century English literature, has attracted much attention for its feminist tendency for a long time. This study takes the social and cultural background of the Victorian era as the starting point to explore how Charlotte Bronte shows women's independence and equality demands through this novel. The research aims to reveal the implicit feminist thought in the text and analyze its influence on later literature and gender studies. Using the method of combining the close reading of the text and the historical context, the paper analyzes from three dimensions: character shaping, narrative perspective and theme ex pression. Jane Eyre not only breaks through the shackles of the traditional female image, but also conveys the criticism and reflection on gender inequality through the voice of the protagonist Jane Eyre. Jane Eyre, with her firm self-recognition and pursuit of spiritual independence, has become an important symbol of early feminist literary ex pression. The innovation of this study is to integrate feminist theory with the historical context of the Victorian era, which further deepens the understanding of feminist thought in the text. The research results not only enrich the interpretation of Jane Eyre, but also provide a new perspective for exploring the gender issues in 19th century literature.

Keywords: Feminism;Jane Eyre;Victorian Era;Independent Consciousness;Gender Equality

目  录

引言 1

一、女性主体意识的觉醒 1

(一)简·爱的女性主体意识 1

(二)教育背景对女性意识的影响 2

(三)社会环境中的性别角色挑战 2

二、情感表达与平等诉求 3

(一)爱情关系中的权力平衡 3

(二)简对罗切斯特的态度 2

(三)平等基础上的情感选择 2

三、职业身份与经济独立 3

(一)教师职业对女性地位的意义 3

(二)经济独立对女性自主权的作用 3

(三)社会对女性职业身份的认知 4

四、宗教信仰与女性抗争 4

(一)宗教观念对简 4

(二)传统宗教框架下的女性困境 5

(三)简的信仰重塑与抗争精神 6

结论 6

参考文献 8

致谢 8





