
摘 要:超高层建筑结构风振响应分析与控制是现代建筑工程领域的重要研究课题,随着城市化进程的加快和土地资源的日益紧张,超高层建筑不断涌现,其结构在风荷载作用下的安全性和舒适性面临严峻挑战。本文旨在深入探讨超高层建筑结构风振响应特性及其控制策略,基于此目的,采用理论分析、数值模拟与风洞试验相结合的研究方法,针对典型超高层建筑结构模型,在不同风场条件下进行系统研究。通过引入先进的计算流体力学技术,精确模拟复杂风场环境,同时结合随机振动理论,建立考虑几何非线性效应的结构动力方程,创新性地提出一种基于多目标优化算法的减振控制系统设计方法,该方法综合考虑了结构安全性、经济性及减振效果等多方面因素。

Abstract :The wind vibration response analysis and control of super high-rise buildings is an important research topic in the field of modern construction engineering. With the acceleration of urbanization and the increasing tension of land resources, super high-rise buildings are emerging, and the safety and comfort of their structures under the action of wind load are facing severe challenges. This paper aims to deeply explore the wind vibration response characteristics and control strategies of super-tall building structure. Based on this purpose, the research method combining theoretical analysis, numerical simulation and wind tunnel test is adopted to systematically study the typical super-tall building structure model under different wind field conditions. Through the introduction of advanced computing fluid mechanics technology, accurate simulation of complex wind field environment, at the same time with random vibration theory, considering geometric nonlinear effect of structure dynamic equation, innovative proposed a vibration control system design method based on multi-ob jective optimization algorithm, the method considering the structure safety, economy and vibration reduction factors.
Key  Words  : Super high-rise building; wind vibration response; vibration reduction control

目  录

摘 要 1
1 风振响应的理论基础 2
1.1 风荷载特性分析 2
1.2 结构动力响应原理 3
1.3 风振响应计算模型 4
2 风振响应分析方法 4
2.1 时间历程分析法 4
3.2 频域分析方法 5
3.3 概率统计分析法 6
3 风振控制技术研究 7
3.1 被动控制技术 7
3.2 主动控制策略 7
3.3 半主动控制方法 8
4 结论 9
参考文献 10
谢辞 11