
摘    要


关键词:软件定义网络  局域网流量管理  深度学习

  With the continuous expansion of network scale and the increasing diversification of business types, the traditional LAN traffic management faces many challenges, such as difficult to flexibly respond to sudden traffic, unreasonable resource allocation, etc. The LAN traffic management and optimization strategy based on software-defined network (SDN) has become the key to solve the above problems. The study aims to build an efficient, intelligent and flexible LAN traffic management system to improve the utilization of network resources and guarantee the service quality. Through thorough analysis of LAN traffic characteristics under SDN architecture, a traffic prediction model integrating deep learning algorithm is proposed, which can accurately predict the future traffic trend and provide a basis for traffic scheduling. At the same time, the traffic scheduling algorithm based on multi-ob jective optimization theory is designed, considering various factors such as bandwidth and delay, to realize the global optimal configuration on the premise of ensuring the priority of key services. The experimental results show that the proposed traffic prediction model has high prediction accuracy, the average absolute error is less than 5%, and the traffic scheduling algorithm can improve the overall network throughput by about 30% and reduce the packet loss rate by about 40%.

Keyword:Software Defined Networking  Local Area Network Traffic Management  Deep Learning

目  录
1绪论 1
1.1研究背景与意义 1
1.2国内外研究现状 1
1.3研究方法与技术路线 2
2SDN架构下的流量管理基础 2
2.2流量管理的基本概念 2
2.3流量分类与优先级设定 3
2.4流量监测与分析方法 3
3基于SDN的局域网流量优化策略 4
3.1流量调度算法设计 4
3.2资源分配与负载均衡 4
3.3带宽优化与服务质量 5
3.4安全性与隐私保护 5
4实验验证与结果分析 6
4.1实验环境搭建 6
4.2测试方案与指标 7
4.3实验结果分析 7
4.4优化效果评估 8
结论 8
参考文献 10
致谢 11



