摘 要
关键词:机器学习 文本挖掘 深度学习
With the rapid development of information technology, textual data has experienced explosive growth, making the extraction of valuable information from vast text corpora an urgent challenge. Machine learning, with its robust pattern recognition and predictive capabilities, demonstrates significant potential in text mining. This study investigates the application effects of machine learning algorithms in text mining to provide a reference for related research. Various classical machine learning algorithms, such as Support Vector Machines (SVM) and Naive Bayes, were selected, along with deep learning algorithms to construct comparative experiments. Text datasets were preprocessed, and feature extraction techniques were employed to transform texts into feature vectors suitable for training. These algorithms were then utilized for classification, clustering, and other tasks. The results indicate that machine learning-based text mining significantly improves accuracy compared to traditional methods, particularly in sentiment analysis and topic model construction. An innovation lies in combining word embeddings with Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) to optimize text representation, effectively capturing semantic information. Additionally, a hybrid model integrating multi-source heterogeneous text data was proposed, enhancing the generalization ability of the model. This study not only validates the effectiveness of machine learning in text mining but also provides new insights and methodologies for future research, contributing significantly to the advancement of text mining technology.
Keyword:Machine Learning Text Mining Deep Learning
目 录
1绪论 1
1.1研究背景与意义 1
1.2国内外研究现状 1
1.3本文研究方法 2
2文本预处理技术 2
2.1文本清洗与分词 2
2.2特征选择与降维 3
2.3数据标注与质量评估 3
3分类与聚类算法应用 4
3.1常用分类算法比较 4
3.2聚类算法在文本中的应用 4
3.3混合模型优化方案 5
4主题模型与语义分析 6
4.2词向量与语义表示 6
4.3情感分析技术应用 6
结论 7
参考文献 9
致谢 10