
摘  要

猪呼吸道综合征(PRDC)是影响全球养猪业的重要疾病,其多病原混合感染特性增加了防控难度。本研究旨在系统调查我国规模化猪场PRDC主要病原分布特征并提出针对性防控策略。通过2019 - 2022年对全国15个省份68个规模化猪场的采样监测,采用多重PCR、病毒分离鉴定及血清学检测等技术手段,共检测到猪繁殖与呼吸综合征病毒、猪流感病毒、猪肺炎支原体等11种常见病原。研究发现不同地区病原谱存在显著差异,其中PRRSV-2型和H1N1亚型SIV检出率最高。创新性地建立了基于分子分型的病原动态监测体系,并首次报道了我国南方地区新型重组PRRSV流行株的存在。针对调查结果,提出了以生物安全为核心,结合疫苗免疫、环境控制和精准诊断的综合防控模式,为我国PRDC防控提供了科学依据和技术支持,有效提升了猪群健康管理水平。



Porcine respiratory syndrome (PRDC) is an important disease affecting the global pig industry, and its multipathogenic mixed infection characteristic increases the difficulty of prevention and control. This study aims to systematically investigate the main pathogen distribution characteristics of PRDC in large-scale pig farms in China and propose targeted prevention and control strategies. Through sampling and monitoring of 68 large-scale pig farms in 15 provinces in 2019-2022, using multiple PCR, virus isolation and identification and serological detection, a total of 11 common pathogens such as swine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus, swine influenza virus and Mycoplasma hyopipneumoniae were detected. The study found significant differences in pathogen profiles in different regions, with the highest detection rate of PRRSV-2 and H1N1 subtypes SIV. We innovatively established a pathogen dynamic surveillance system based on molecular typing, and reported the first existence of novel recombinant PRRSV epidemic strains in southern China. According to the survey results, a comprehensive prevention and control mode with biosafety as the core, combining vaccine immunization, environmental control and accurate diagnosis is put forward, which provides scientific basis and technical support for the prevention and control of PRDC in China, and effectively improves the health management level of pig herds.

KEY WORDS:Pig respiratory tract syndrome; pathogen distribution characteristics; biosafety

目  录
摘  要 I
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景及意义 1
1.2 研究现状分析 1
第2章 病原学调查分析 3
2.1 主要病原体鉴定 3
2.2 病原传播途径 3
2.3 病原变异特征 4
第3章 流行病学特征研究 5
3.1 发病率统计分析 5
3.2 地域分布特点 5
3.3 季节性变化规律 6
第4章 防控措施探讨 7
4.1 疫苗免疫策略 7
4.2 生物安全防控 7
4.3 治疗方案优化 8
第5章 结论 9
参考文献 10
致  谢 11



