
摘  要



Application research of cognitive conflict in junior middle school mathematics concept teaching


This study focuses on the application of cognitive conflict theory in junior middle school mathematics concept teaching, aiming to explore how to improve students' conceptual understanding and thinking ability by creating cognitive conflict situations. Based on the constructivism learning theory, this study combined quasi-experimental design with qualitative research, and selected four parallel classes from two junior middle schools in a city as the research ob jects. The experimental group adopted the cognitive conflict teaching strategy. It is found that cognitive conflict strategy can effectively stimulate students' learning motivation and promote their deep understanding of mathematical concepts. The students in the experimental group were significantly better than those in the control group in terms of concept mastery, problem solving ability and quality of mathematical thinking. The research innovatively constructs a junior middle school mathematics concept teaching model based on cognitive conflict, and proposes a four-stage teaching fr amework of "conflict induced - cognitive imbalance - meaning construction - concept reconstruction", which provides a new idea and practice path for optimizing junior middle school mathematics concept teaching. The results show that rational use of cognitive conflict strategy can not only improve students' mathematics learning effectiveness. This finding has important theoretical and practical significance for deepening the reform of mathematics curriculum and improving the quality of classroom teaching.

Keywords: Cognitive conflict theory; Junior high school mathematics; Concept teaching

目 录

摘  要 I

Abstract II

目  录 III

1  绪论 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.2 研究意义 1

1.3 国内外认知冲突教学研究现状分析 2

2  初中数学概念教学中认知冲突的理论基础 3

2.1 认知冲突的心理学理论基础 3

2.2 建构主义视角下的数学概念学习 3

2.3 认知冲突与数学概念形成的关联机制 4

3  初中数学课堂中认知冲突的应用策略 6

3.1 基于认知冲突的概念引入设计 6

3.2 认知冲突情境的创设与实施方法 7

3.3 认知冲突解决过程中的教师引导策略 7

4  初中数学概念教学中认知冲突的实践研究 9

4.1 研究设计与实施过程 9

4.2 认知冲突教学效果的分析 10

4.3 教学案例分析与反思改进建议 10

5  结论 12

参考文献 13

致  谢 14




