


This study focuses on the intrinsic relationship between influencer effects and brand value in the context of live-streaming e-commerce, aiming to reveal the influence mechanism of influencer characteristics on brand value and its boundary conditions. Based on social influence theory and brand equity theory, a research model incorporating three dimensions of influencer credibility, interactivity, and expertise was constructed. Valid data from 321 live-streaming e-commerce consumers were collected through questionnaire surveys, and empirical analysis was conducted using structural equation modeling. The findings indicate that influencer credibility significantly positively affects brand awareness and brand association by enhancing consumer trust; influencer interactivity positively influences brand loyalty by increasing consumer engagement; and influencer expertise significantly promotes perceived brand value by improving information quality. Furthermore, the study reveals that product type plays a moderating role in the relationship between influencer effects and brand value, with experiential products exhibiting more pronounced moderating effects. The innovation of this research lies in being the first to refine influencer characteristics into three dimensions and validate their differentiated impact pathways on brand value, while also uncovering the boundary role of product type. The conclusions provide theoretical foundations and practical guidance for live-streaming e-commerce platforms to optimize influencer selection strategies and for enterprises to formulate precise marketing plans, offering significant implications for promoting the healthy development of the live-streaming e-commerce industry.

Keywords: Live Streaming E-commerce; Influencer Effect; Brand Value

目  录

摘要 I
Abstract II
一、绪论 1
(一)直播电商中网红效应与品牌价值关系研究背景 1
(二)直播电商中网红效应与品牌价值关系研究意义 1
(三)直播电商中网红效应与品牌价值关系研究现状 2
二、直播电商中网红效应的形成机制 3
(一)网红个人特质对粉丝经济的影响 3
(二)内容创作能力与用户粘性关系 3
(三)社交互动对消费者决策的影响机制 4
三、网红效应对品牌价值的传导路径 5
(一)网红信任度向品牌信任的转移机制 5
(二)粉丝社群对品牌忠诚度的培育作用 5
(三)直播场景下品牌认知的形成过程 6
四、直播电商中品牌价值的提升策略 8
(一)基于网红效应的品牌定位优化策略 8
(二)网红与品牌的协同营销模式创新 8
(三)数据驱动的品牌价值评估体系构建 9
结 论 10

参考文献 11

