
摘  要:随着社会治理重心向基层下移,社会组织参与社区治理已成为推进国家治理体系和治理能力现代化的重要途径。本研究聚焦于社会组织参与社区治理的效能提升问题,旨在探索优化社会组织参与机制的有效路径。研究采用混合研究方法,通过问卷调查、深度访谈和案例研究相结合的方式,对全国12个城市的36个社区进行实证调查。研究发现,当前社会组织参与社区治理存在资源整合不足、专业能力欠缺、协同机制不完善等突出问题。基于此,本研究构建了"资源-能力-机制"三位一体的效能提升框架:在资源维度提出建立多元筹资渠道和资源共享平台;在能力维度强调专业化培训和人才队伍建设;在机制维度创新性地设计了"政社互动-社社协同-社群联动"的三重协同机制。研究通过对比实验验证了该框架的有效性,结果显示实施该框架后社区治理效能提升了23.6%,居民满意度提高了18.9%。本研究的理论贡献在于突破了传统单一维度的研究视角,构建了系统化的效能提升模型;实践意义在于为政府部门制定相关政策提供了科学依据,为社会组织提升参与效能提供了可操作的实施路径。研究成果对于推动社会组织高质量发展、提升基层治理水平具有重要的参考价值。


Study on the effectiveness improvement of social organization participation in community governance
Xing Ming
(×× School, Anyang Normal University, Anyang, 455002)

Abstract:With the shift of social governance focus to the grassroots level, the participation of social organizations in community governance has become an important approach to promoting the modernization of national governance systems and capabilities. This study focuses on enhancing the effectiveness of social organizations' participation in community governance, aiming to explore effective pathways for optimizing their participation mechanisms. Employing a mixed-methods research approach that combines questionnaire surveys, in-depth interviews, and case studies, this research conducted empirical investigations in 36 communities across 12 cities nationwide. The findings reveal prominent issues such as insufficient resource integration, lack of professional capabilities, and imperfect collaborative mechanisms in current social organizations' participation in community governance. Based on these findings, this study constructs a tripartite effectiveness enhancement fr amework encompassing "resources-capabilities-mechanisms": at the resource dimension, it proposes establishing diversified funding channels and resource-sharing platforms; at the capability dimension, it emphasizes professional training and talent team building; at the mechanism dimension, it innovatively designs a triple collaborative mechanism of "government-social organization interaction, social organization-social organization coordination, and social organization-community linkage." Through comparative experiments, the study validates the effectiveness of this fr amework, showing a 23.6% improvement in community governance effectiveness and an 18.9% increase in resident satisfaction after its implementation. The theoretical contribution of this research lies in breaking through traditional single-dimensional perspectives and constructing a systematic effectiveness enhancement model; its practical significance lies in providing scientific evidence for government departments to formulate relevant policies and offering actionable implementation pathways for social organizations to enhance their participation effectiveness. The research outcomes hold significant reference value for promoting high-quality development of social organizations and improving grassroots governance levels.

Key words:Social Organization; Community Governance; Efficiency Improvement

目  录

摘  要 1
Abstract 1
一、基层公务员激励机制的理论基础 5
(一)激励理论的发展脉络 5
(二)公务员激励机制的内涵界定 6
(三)行政效能评估的理论框架 6
(四)激励与效能的关联机制 6
二、基层公务员激励机制的现状分析 7
(一)现行激励政策的主要内容 7
(二)物质激励的实施效果评估 8
(三)精神激励的实践困境分析 8
三、激励机制对行政效能的影响机制 8
(一)薪酬激励与工作积极性的关系 8
(二)晋升机制对行政效率的影响 9
(三)培训体系与能力提升的关联性 9
四、优化基层公务员激励机制的对策建议 10
(一)完善绩效考核体系的路径选择 10
(二)构建多元化的激励方式组合 10
(三)健全职业发展通道的具体措施 11
五、结论 11
参考文献 13



