As a key problem in the field of education, the definition of dropout phenomenon covers the withdrawal of students without completing the prescribed studies, which has diverse and complex characteristics. Trend analysis of dropout rates revealed the dynamic variation of this phenomenon, showing its differences by time and region. Dropout not only restricts students' personal career development, affects their future employment prospects and income level, but also exacerbates social inequality, makes the distribution of educational resources more uneven, and further expands the gap between social classes. In addition, the rise of the dropout rate also poses obstacles to economic development, reduces the overall quality of the labor force, and affects the improvement of social productivity. There are many reasons for the rise of the dropout rate in rural junior middle schools, including lagging educational concepts, prejudice against vocational education, unfamiliar with modern education concepts, heavy burden of educational expenditure, uneven allocation of educational resources, and great pressure of exam-oriented education. In view of these problems, it is particularly important to discuss the optimization countermeasures. It is necessary to improve the awareness of parents and students on the importance of education, strengthen the publicity of vocational education, and introduce the modern education concept to broaden the students' career choice and development path. At the same time, set up the education fund to reduce the family economic burden, optimize the allocation of education resources to ensure the education fair, rich curriculum content to improve students' learning interest and participation, thus effectively reduce the rural junior high school dropout rate, promote the healthy development of education, for the stability of the society and economic growth to lay a solid foundation.
Keyword:Rural junior high school, dropout rate, education balance
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景及意义 1
1.2 研究目的和内容 1
1.3 国内外研究现状 1
第2章 辍学现象相关概述 3
2.1 辍学的定义 3
2.2 辍学的特点 3
2.2.1 多样性 3
2.2.2 风险性 4
2.3 辍学率趋势分析 4
第3章 辍学对学生及社会的影响 5
3.1 职业发展受限 5
3.2 社会不平等加剧 5
3.3 经济发展受阻 5
第4章 农村初中辍学率上升的原因分析 7
4.1 教育观念滞后 7
4.1.1 职业教育的偏见 7
4.1.2 现代教育理念的陌生 7
4.2 教育支出负担重 7
4.3 教育资源配置不均 8
4.4 应试教育压力大 8
第5章 农村初中辍学率上升的优化对策探讨 10
5.1 加强教育宣传 10
5.1.1 加大职业教育宣传 10
5.1.2 引入现代教育理念 10
5.2 设立教育基金 11
5.3 优化资源配置 11
5.4 丰富课程内容 11
结 论 13
参考文献 14