


This paper focuses on "Research on joint operation model of reservoir group flood control", aiming to discuss how to build and optimize the joint operation model of reservoir group flood control to improve the flood control capacity of the basin and reduce the flood loss. With the frequent occurrence of global climate change and extreme weather events, the joint operation of reservoir group flood control has become an important means to ensure the flood control safety of river basin. This paper first analyzes the necessity and urgency of joint operation of reservoir group flood control, and points out the limitations of traditional independent operation mode when dealing with large-scale floods. In order to overcome these limitations, this paper deeply studies the construction method of reservoir group flood control joint operation model. By considering factors such as geographical location, storage capacity, flood control capacity, flood evolution law and downstream flood control demand, a joint operation model based on multi-ob jective optimization and dynamic planning is proposed in this paper. This model can realize the optimal allocation of flood control storage capacity, reduce the downstream peak flow to the maximum extent, and reduce the flood control pressure under the premise of ensuring the safety of the dam. In terms of model solving, this paper uses a variety of intelligent optimization algorithms, such as genetic algorithm, particle swarm algorithm, ant colony algorithm, etc., to solve the model efficiently. By comparing the performance of different algorithms in the process of solving, this paper selects the most suitable algorithm for the research ob ject, and carries out parameter optimization and algorithm improvement to improve the solving accuracy and efficiency. In this paper, combined with a concrete example, the joint operation model of reservoir group flood control is verified and applied. Through the simulation and analysis of actual flood data, this paper verifies the validity and practicability of the model, and puts forward specific scheduling schemes for floods of different magnitude. These schemes can give full play to the flood control function of each reservoir and maximize the flood control benefit of the basin. In this paper, important progress has been made in the study of reservoir group flood control joint operation model, which provides a strong technical support and decision-making basis for river basin flood control work. In the future, with the continuous development of science and technology and the deepening of research, the joint operation model of reservoir group flood control will be more perfect and optimized, and provide a more solid guarantee for the flood control safety of the basin.

Key words: reservoir group; Joint flood control operation; Model study

一、绪论 4
1.1 研究背景 4
1.2 研究目的及意义 4
1.3 国内外研究现状 4
二、水库群防洪调度理论基础 5
2.1 洪水特性与防洪标准 5
2.1.1 洪水成因与特性 5
2.1.2 防洪标准确定 5
2.2 单一水库调度理论 5
2.2.1 调度原则与方法 5
2.2.2 调度模型与操作 6
2.3 水库群联合调度理论 6
2.3.1 联合调度的概念 6
2.3.2 联合调度的优势 7
2.4 水库调度中的风险管理 7
2.4.1 风险评估方法 7
2.4.2 风险控制策略 7
三、水库群防洪联合调度模型构建 8
3.1 模型构建的理论框架 8
3.1.1 系统分析与结构设计 8
3.1.2 目标函数与约束条件 8
3.2 模型参数的确定与优化 9
3.2.1 参数敏感性分析 9
3.2.2 参数优化方法 9
3.3 模型求解算法 9
3.3.1 常规优化算法 9
3.3.2 启发式与元启发式算法 10
3.4 模型验证与评价 10
3.4.1 验证方法与指标 10
3.4.2 案例应用与效果评价 11
四、水库群防洪联合调度模型实证研究 11
4.1 案例区域概况 11
4.1.1 地理与气候特征 11
4.1.2 水库群组成与特点 11
4.2 数据收集与处理 12
4.2.1 水文数据 12
4.2.2 水库运行数据 12
4.3 模型应用与结果分析 13
4.3.1 调度方案制定 13
4.3.2 结果分析与讨论 13
4.4 模型的局限性与改进方向 14
4.4.1 模型的局限性 14
4.4.2 改进方向与建议 14
五、结论 14
参考文献 16



