
摘  要


关键词:农村基础设施 治理对策 乡村振兴


This paper focuses on the importance of rural infrastructure construction in rural governance. First, the definition, classification and importance of rural infrastructure are outlined, emphasizing its key role in promoting rural economic development and improving farmers' living standards. Subsequently, the problems such as cumbersome decision-making procedures, insufficient implementation, uneven distribution of funds and lack of scientific planning in rural infrastructure in rural governance are analyzed. Further, the paper analyzes the causes of these problems, including the unreasonable organization setting, the limited financial resources, the weak awareness of planning, and the weak awareness of villagers' participation. In view of the above problems, the countermeasures to optimize the construction of rural infrastructure are proposed, including streamlining the management departments to improve efficiency, establishing a fair fund allocation mechanism to ensure the rational use of resources, strengthening the planning awareness to guide the construction scientifically, and broadening the channels of villagers' participation to enhance the democracy and transparency of the construction projects. These countermeasures aim to provide effective guidance for the construction of rural infrastructure and promote the improvement of rural governance level.

Keywords: Rural infrastructure  governance countermeasures  rural revitalization

目  录
一、引言 1
二、农村基础设施相关概述 1
(一)农村基础设施的定义 1
(二)农村基础设施的分类 1
(三)农村基础设施的重要性分析 2
三、乡村治理中的农村基础设施问题分析 2
(一)决策程序繁琐 2
(二)执行力度不够 2
(三)资金分配不均 3
(四)缺乏科学规划 3
四、乡村治理中农村基础设施问题的成因剖析 3
(一)机构设置不合理 3
(二)财政资源有限 4
(三)规划意识淡薄 4
(四)参与意识薄弱 4
五、优化农村基础设施建设的对策 5
(一)精简管理部门 5
(二)建立公平分配机制 5
(三)强化规划意识 5
(四)拓宽参与渠道 6
六、结论 6
致  谢 7
参考文献 8
