





Abstract:This paper studies the balance between the requirement of real name system and individual privacy. Firstly, through the review of relevant literature, we analyze the definition, conflict and balance mechanism between the requirement of real name system and individual privacy. Then, we discuss the impact of the requirement of real name system on personal privacy, and evaluate the rationality and necessity of the requirement of real name system. Then, we emphasize the importance and legal protection of individual privacy, and put forward measures and mechanisms to protect individual privacy and strike a balance. In the empirical research, we use quantitative and qualitative methods, through data collection and analysis, to assess the balance between real-name system requirements and personal privacy rights, and to evaluate the empirical effect of personal privacy protection measures. Finally, through the analysis of the research results, we draw some important conclusions and policy recommendations, including the measures that the government and relevant institutions should take and improve the direction. This study has important theoretical and practical significance for understanding and solving the balance between the requirement of real name system and individual privacy.

Key wordsReal name system requirements, personal privacy, balance, rationality




题目:实名制要求与个人隐私权之间的平衡研究 1

摘要: 1

1 绪论 2

1.1研究背景和意义 2

1.2国内外研究现状和进展 2

1.3研究方法和内容 2

2.文献综述 3

2.1实名制要求的定义和背景 3

2.2个人隐私权的理论框架 3

2.3 实名制要求与个人隐私权之间的冲突与平衡 4

3.实名制要求的影响 4

3.1 实名制要求的实施情况和范围 4

3.2 实名制要求对个人隐私权的影响 5

3.3实名制要求的合理性与必要性的评估 5

4.实名制要求可能引发的风险和挑战 6

4.1隐私泄露风险 6

4.2社会管控风险 6

4.3数据滥用问题 6

5.个人隐私权的保护与平衡 7

5.1 个人隐私权的重要性和法律保障 7

5.2寻求实名制要求与个人隐私权之间的平衡机制 7

6.个人隐私权保护措施的提出和分析对策 8

6.1加强法律和监管框架 8

6.2强化技术安全措施 8

6.3提高个人隐私意识和教育 9

结论 9

参考文献 9

致谢 10





