摘 要
In the process of exploring the ownership of equity in the joint property system, we find that the legal relationship involved in this field is complicated and has a significant impact on the property rights and interests of the husband and wife. With the rapid development of the economy and the increasing maturity of the capital market, the issue of equity ownership rights, as a part of the joint property of couples, increasingly highlights its importance and complexity. This paper first analyzes the legal status of equity in the joint property of couples, and clarifies the nature and scope of equity as the joint property of couples. Then, the article deeply discusses the identification criteria of equity ownership, including the way of equity acquisition, the ownership of equity income, and the ownership of equity under special circumstances such as inheritance and pledge. In the process of discussion, we found that there is ambiguity and uncertainty in the provisions of equity ownership in the current legal system, which brings challenges to judicial practice. This paper puts forward a series of suggestions to improve the legal system of joint equity ownership of couples. First of all, the identification criteria of equity ownership should be clarified to ensure the accuracy and consistency of law application. Secondly, the relevant legal provisions should be improved to eliminate the conflicts and inconsistencies between different legal provisions, and improve the operability of the legal application. In addition, the settlement procedures of the equity ownership dispute should be simplified to reduce the litigation cost of the parties and improve the judicial efficiency. At the same time, solving the equity ownership problems in special circumstances, such as equity inheritance, pledge and so on, is also an important aspect of improving the legal system.
Keywords: Joint property of husband and wife; equity ownership; legal determination
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景及意义 1
1.2 研究目的和内容 1
1.3 国内外研究现状 2
第2章 夫妻共同财产制度概述 3
2.1 夫妻共同财产制度的定义 3
2.2 夫妻共同财产制度的特点 3
2.2.1 主体特定性 3
2.2.2 平等性 3
2.3 夫妻共同股权的认定标准 4
2.3.1 婚姻关系的存续 4
2.3.2 司法实践中的考量 4
第3章 夫妻共同股权制度的社会意义 6
3.1 维护夫妻权益的平等性 6
3.2 促进家庭和谐与稳定 6
3.3 增强家族企业的稳定性 6
第4章 夫妻共同财产制度中股权权属问题 8
4.1 股权权属的法律规定不明确 8
4.1.1 法律条文模糊 8
4.1.2 司法实践的不确定性 8
4.2 证据收集困难 8
4.3 股权继承的复杂性 9
4.4 股权归属不明确 9
第5章 完善夫妻共同股权权属法律制度的建议 11
5.1 完善股权权属的法律规定 11
5.1.1 细化相关法律条文 11
5.1.2 统一司法实践标准 11
5.2 优化证据收集与认定程序 11
5.3 确立股权继承的规范流程 12
5.4 明确股权权属的认定标准 12
结 论 14
参考文献 15