




This article reviews the relevant theories and technologies of temperature control for large volume concrete, emphasizing the key role of temperature control in ensuring the construction quality of large volume concrete. Firstly, the article provides an overview of temperature control materials and technologies, including the application of low heat cement, the addition of water reducing agents and other temperature control materials, as well as the application of temperature control calculation methods and models in predicting and controlling temperature changes in concrete. Next, the principle of temperature control for large volume concrete was elaborated in detail, including the setting of temperature control ob jectives, temperature monitoring and control, and the exploration of crack prevention principles. In terms of the importance of temperature control, the article points out that effective temperature control can prevent premature hardening and cracking of large volume concrete, improve the durability and lifespan of concrete, and thereby enhance engineering quality and safety. In addition, temperature control can also bring about improvements in economic benefits and construction efficiency, reducing maintenance costs and time in the later stage. The article introduces mainstream measures such as pre cooled aggregate technology, cooling water circulation system, insulation and curing technology for temperature control in large volume concrete construction, and briefly introduces other auxiliary temperature control measures. The application of these technologies can effectively reduce the internal temperature of concrete, reduce temperature stress, and prevent the generation of cracks. Temperature control of large volume concrete is a complex and important task that requires comprehensive consideration of temperature control materials, calculation methods, construction techniques, and other aspects. By scientifically and reasonably setting temperature control ob jectives, adopting effective temperature monitoring and control measures, and selecting and optimizing reasonable construction techniques, effective temperature control of large volume concrete can be achieved, ensuring engineering quality and safety.

Keywords: Large volume concrete; Temperature control; Temperature controlled materials; Cooling water circulation system


一、绪论 1
1.1 研究背景及意义 1
1.2 国内外研究现状 1
1.3 研究目的及内容 2
二、温度控制相关理论与技术 2
2.1 温控材料与技术概述 2
2.1.1 温控材料 2
2.1.2 温控技术 3
2.2 温控计算方法与模型 3
2.2.1 温控计算方法 3
2.2.2 温控模型 3
三、大体积混凝土温度控制原理 4
3.1 温度控制目标设定 4
3.2 温度监测与调控 4
3.3 防裂原理 5
四、温度控制在大体积混凝土施工中的重要性 5
4.1 防止过早硬化和裂缝产生 5
4.2 提高混凝土的耐久性和寿命 6
4.3 经济效益和施工效率 6
五、大体积混凝土施工中的温度控制技术 7
5.1 预冷骨料技术 7
5.2 冷却水循环系统 8
5.3 保温养护技术 8
5.4 其他辅助温度控制措施 9
六、结论 9
参考文献 11



