




Tongren works, as a cultural phenomenon of secondary creation based on existing works, have unique creativity and audience foundation. With the increasing prosperity and commercialization of fan works, their copyright protection is facing a series of problems. The unclear legal status of fan works results in a lack of clear legal basis for copyright protection. The determination of infringement is difficult, and due to the creative characteristics of fan works, the definition of infringement and evidence collection face challenges. The principle of fair use is limited, and the creation and dissemination of fan works are often limited by the copyright of the original work. Commercial utilization can lead to conflicts of interest, and balancing the interests of co creators and original copyright owners has become a major challenge. In response to these issues, this study proposes improvement suggestions for copyright protection of fan works. It is necessary to clarify the legal status of fan works and provide clear legal basis for their copyright protection. Optimize the mechanism for determining infringement, improve the accuracy and efficiency of infringement determination, and reduce the cost of rights protection. Adjust the principle of fair use, balance the interests of creators and the general public, and promote the dissemination and development of culture. Standardize commercial utilization, formulate reasonable commercial utilization standards, balance the interests of all parties, and promote the healthy development of the fan work market. By analyzing the issues and challenges of copyright protection for fan works, effective improvement suggestions are proposed to provide theoretical support and practical guidance for the healthy development of fan works. This study also hopes to draw attention from all sectors of society to the issue of copyright protection for fan works, and jointly promote the prosperity and development of fan work culture.

Keywords: Same person works; Copyright protection; Legal status; Infringement determination


一、绪论 1
1.1 研究背景及意义 1
1.2 国内外研究现状 1
1.3 研究目的及内容 2
二、《岳阳楼记》的历史与文化背景 3
2.1 范仲淹的生平与时代背景 3
2.2 《岳阳楼记》的创作背景 3
三、儒家思想在《岳阳楼记》中的体现 4
3.1 仁义礼智信的儒家五常 4
3.1.1 仁:仁爱之心,忧国忧民 4
3.1.2 义:正义之行,刚正不阿 4
3.1.3 礼:礼制之尊,和谐有序 4
3.1.4 智:明智之思,洞察世事 4
3.1.5 信:诚信之德,言行一致 5
3.2 天人合一的宇宙观 5
3.2.1 自然与人的和谐共生 5
3.2.2 人的情感与自然变化的共鸣 5
3.2.3 人的道德观念与自然规律的统一 5
3.3 中庸之道的生活哲学 6
3.3.1 平衡与和谐 6
3.3.2 内心的平和与谦逊 6
3.3.3 适度原则 6
四、道德情操与人生哲学 6
4.1 忠诚与孝道的道德追求 6
4.2 舍生取义的精神境界 7
4.3 乐天知命的人生态度 7
五、政治理想与忧患意识 8
5.1 治国平天下的政治信念 8
5.2 忧国忧民的士人情怀 8
5.3 反思历史循环的忧患意识 9
5.4 法古制新的改革精神 9
六、结论 10
参考文献 11



