摘 要
In order to improve the control accuracy and stability of magnetic levitation bearing, this paper analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of the control method of magnetic levitation bearing and its development status, and studies the application of intelligent control algorithm in magnetic levitation bearing, including the difficulty of establishing the control model of magnetic levitation bearing, the real-time acquisition of system parameters and the real-time and stability of the control algorithm. On this basis, this paper puts forward the intelligent control algorithm based on fuzzy control, neural network control and genetic algorithm optimization, and according to different problems corresponding to different methods to implement, these methods are analyzed theoretically and verified experimentally. The experimental results show that the proposed intelligent control algorithm can effectively improve the control accuracy and stability of magnetic suspension bearing, and has better control effect and practical value than the traditional algorithm.
Keyword: Magnetic levitation bearing、Intelligent control algorithm、Fuzzy control
摘 要 1
Abstract 1
1理论依据 2
1.1电磁支承的基本原理 2
1.2电磁轴承的各种控制方式及其优、缺点 3
1.3磁浮轴承控制技术研究进展 3
1.4电磁轴承的常规控制算法 3
1.5智能控制算法的研究现状及优点 4
2磁轴承智能控制算法的实施难点与问题 4
2.1电磁轴承的控制建模困难 4
2.2电磁轴承参数实时测量方法研究 4
2.3磁浮轴承实时稳定控制算法研究 4
3种基于磁力轴承的智能控制算法设计 5
3.1基于模糊控制的智能控制方法的研究与实现 5
3.2神经网络智能控制算法的研究与实现 5
3.3用遗传算法进行智能控制的研究与实现 5
3.4磁轴承中智能控制算法的选择与比较 5
参考文献 7