




"White Deer Plain" is an epic novel created by Chen Zhongshi, which depicts the fate of the two major families, Bai and Lu, and showcases the historical changes of the Wei River Plain for over half a century. Among them, Tian Xiao'e, as a complex and distinct female character, has become an important character in the work. She possesses independence and autonomy, but also struggles in contradictions and complexity. Faced with the oppression of the social environment, she persevered and demonstrated the indomitable spirit of women. However, the constraints of family ethics caused her to fall into opposition between personal happiness and family honor, ultimately leading to her tragic fate. She pursues independence and autonomy, unwilling to be bound by traditional concepts, and dares to pursue her own love and happiness. However, her heart is also full of contradictions and complexity, and her choices are often influenced by multiple factors. When facing difficulties, she displays a spirit of perseverance and resistance, bravely facing challenges. At the same time, she also possesses a gentle and maternal side, full of care and a sense of responsibility towards her family. The social environment in which Tian Xiaoe lived was full of oppression and limitations, and her fate was also deeply influenced by the social environment. However, she did not succumb to the oppression of the social environment, but chose to resist. Her personal struggles and social conflicts are intertwined, forming an important plot in the work. The constraints of family ethics have led her to fall into opposition between personal happiness and family honor. She yearns to pursue her own happiness, but is unwilling to betray her family and traditions. This contradiction led her to tragedy in her struggle.

Keywords: White Deer Plain; Tian Xiaoe; Personality traits


一、绪论 1
1.1 研究背景及意义 1
1.2 国内外研究现状 1
1.3 研究目的及内容 2
二、《白鹿原》作品概述 3
2.1 作者简介 3
2.1.1 生平概述 3
2.1.2文学成就 3
2.2 作品背景 3
2.2.1 创作背景 3
2.2.2 历史背景 4
2.3 故事梗概 4
三、田小娥的性格特征 5
3.1 独立性与自主性 5
3.1.1 田小娥的独立性 5
3.1.2 田小娥的自主性 5
3.2 矛盾性与复杂性 5
3.2.1 封建礼教与自由渴望的矛盾 5
3.2.2 爱情与道德的矛盾 6
3.2.3 复杂性的体现 6
3.3 坚韧与抗争 6
3.3.1 坚韧不屈的生命态度 6
3.3.2 勇于抗争的自我意识 6
3.3.3 坚韧与抗争的具体表现 7
四、田小娥与社会和家族伦理的冲突 7
4.1 社会环境的压迫 7
4.2 个人抗争与社会冲突 8
4.3 家族伦理的束缚 8
4.4 个人幸福与家族荣誉的对立 9
五、田小娥人物形象的现实意义 9
5.1 对当代女性的启示 9
5.2 对文学创作的启示 10
5.3 对社会文化的反思 10
六、结论 11
参考文献 12



