In this paper, we discuss how to optimize the performance of the computer network, including the general performance index, the evaluation method, the performance bottleneck, and the common optimization technology. Through the deep study of computer network performance optimization, it can provide important theory basis and practice instruction for high efficiency and stability of network operation. This study can be used as a reference for network operation, network design, and network security. In this paper, a lot of actual cases and techniques are used to analyze and summarize the performance optimization of computer network.
Key words: Computer networks, performance optimization and performance bottlenecks
摘要 1
1绪论 1
1.1选题的背景和意义 1
1.2国内外的研究进展 2
2 计算机网络绩效的衡量标准及评估方法 2
2.1常用的网络性能度量 2
2.2评估网络绩效的一种方法 2
3台电脑网路的效能瓶颈剖析 3
3.1带宽瓶颈 3
3.2吞吐率瓶颈 3
3.3延时瓶颈 3
3.4包丢失率瓶颈 4
4常用的优化网络性能的方法 4
4.1 Transport层的最佳化 4
1. TCP协定的最佳化(Optimization)技术: 4
3. 服务质量最佳化技术: 4
4.2 ApplicationLayer技术 4
1.缓存技术 4
2.压实方法 5
3. Picture优化技术 5
4.内容分发网络加速技术 5
4.3 网络设施的最佳化 5
4.4 无线网路的最佳化 5
结论 6